I know he sleeps a lot... but really?
Seems he was wearing a bullet proof vest, but could there be some sort of unknown military tech surrounding his head? It just seems that Q and Trump's overall behaviour of confidence that he will not be assassinated indicates something else is happening. Obviously one could say he is protected by God, but maybe there is also some tech there as well.

Although it didn't make sense then, it might now in light of devolution theory.

It also may be a mirror at our own government’s behaviour, especially Canada and Australia as well as flushing out which one of our politicians are silent and bought.
“a conservative party or government that is focused on a campaign of recrimination over COVID, politicizing science, entertaining conspiracy theories, campaigning with QAnon, is a party that can’t form government and shouldn’t,” Campaigning with QAnon?? Haha
That would be quite the plot twist. NWO front and centre.