The election audit in Arizona is currently generating some of the most stunning, impactful, relevant, headline-worthy news imaginable.
And guess how the totalitarian, toady news media is covering it?
Total. Media. Blackout.
On CNN’s lengthy homepage (accessed via mobile browser), the number of hits when searching for the word Arizona: 1… and look at that “story”! (“The Arizona legislature is coming for my voting rights. How I plan to stop them”). Amazing. Nothing, nothing above the fold, where every reasonable measure suggests this should be. No headline stories. Nothing even buried the “Latest Politics” section. The only mention of Arizona during these releases of legitimately earthshaking news for that state is a ludicrous pile of propaganda equating ballot integrity with voter suppression. It’s propaganda so far beyond spin that it’s hard to believe - they can’t spin this. At all. So it’s a total blackout on the news.
But at least there’s Fox News. For as many issues as we’ve had with Fox since the election, even if they’re not “fair”, they’re got some balance. Right? So guess how many total hits I got when I just searched the entire Fox News mobile front page, top allll the way down to the bottom.
how about a game show where contestants compete, live, to see who can handle the most COVID jabs before they collapse.
Americans of all persuasions will love this sht, guaranteed.
At this time? When he’s already set everything around him on fire?
It’s so picayune, that it’s absolutely worthless as a distraction. It’s so gratuitous and unexpected; where the hell did this, and it’s urgency, come from? It’s targeted specifically at the customer preferences of the very demographic group whose every whim has been deemed sacrosanct, and to whom Joke Biden has given over his very life for the noble purpose of licking their boots endlessly; this sure isn’t going to help him in any way.
This is so totally beyond bizarre.
This is a damn movie.
Of course, leave it to the all the genius "researchers" here to fall for the tremulous doom routines from lightly-seasoned shill accounts who haven't posted here for two months until, you know, today. On cue, with all the others, like this one, and an incoming stream of others.
"Hey, he's an anon too, just like me!"
FFS folks. Get some discernment.
And cash your Soros checks quickly, shills. And pray that the imminent takedown of the conspiracy that stole this country doesn't extend to those who received cash ($13/hr!) to knowingly spread disinfo online. It will, of course. Why you would sell your soul and your freedom for chump change... is something you'll have many years to ask yourself.
Or maybe it will be just sort of a variety pack of panicked Leftist reactions? ?♂️