And one of my small blessings is that, for whatever reason, the once endless “I have a theory” posts here that always predictably ended up with some variation of the conclusion that “Q is really just all of us!” have almost totally dried up.

Those posts suuuucked.


I personally believe if his appointed justices were directly involved in the SC's refusal to hear cases regarding the 2020 Presidential election, PDJT wouldn't hesitate to call them out.

He's certainly fulminated about "the courts" failing to do their job and their duty, but if he's been hesitant to specifically criticize Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, or ACB for their dereliction, I think it makes it more clear that Trump's unhappiness with "the courts" for declining to get involved is a bit of an act; he would know better than anybody if/that the SC declined to hear the cases because these will ultimately (and shortly) be heard by, and decided upon by, military tribunals.


the folks who just wanted a new free TV and some Nikes today, and now, due to systemic racism, may very well be denied their right to go discount shopping.

Think of the babies who will have to go to bed without looted Twinkies tonight. ?


There is a lot of great information here to help understand the evident truth that the mainstream media machine is feverishly spinning lie after lie to keep suppressed. I remain strongly convinced that you will discover more truth here in an hour than you will hear in a year from the Leftist press that has shamelessly, grotesquely devolved into nothing less than propaganda for the Democrat Party.

However please be aware of, and at the same time please don't be discouraged by, the number of fringe conspiracy believers who have attached themselves to this movement. There are indeed lies that circulate here, and like anywhere, discernment is absolutely key.

I assure you, despite the outsized vocal presence of these feverish voices, I believe most people here do not believe in any of the following things:

  • the miracle healing power of "med beds"
  • the fact that Adolf Hitler was merely a stooge for the "13 families"
  • JFK Jr. is not really dead, and has resuscitated his George magazine... for us!
  • Prince Phillip was a blood-soaked cabalist
  • Chemtrails!!!!

Or any such absurdities.

So please, stay, learn, contribute... and help bring sanity and perspective and truth to this largely wonderful place.


Answer: all the ones all showing up today with accounts created 1-2 months ago (and "seasoned" with just enough one-line comments to shake their handshakes), with the most earnest sounding questions that they'd like us to answer for them, and the most heartfelt concerns that they'd like us to soothe... because it just, you know, doesn't look like this Q thing is happening and all.

I don't know what made today the day for the shills to light these long-dormant, handshake-free accounts on fire (I think I saw someone here mention a Q mention on some popular Twitter account, and there's the HBO thing, or maybe there's some other reason we don't know), but:

  • a) have fun with 'em while honing your keen discernment, and
  • b) I find it massively reassuring, and very interesting, that some unknown coordinating entity felt the specific need to create a seemingly inexhaustible number of shill accounts here, well ahead of time, just to unleash on our humble little forum, at coordinated times. What they're doing is really obvious. But why they're doing it... why indeed?!? ?

Also, I don't know if the mods have access to the entire .win communities account database, or if that's rather something maintained and accessible only at a more centralized level across these various sites. But mods, if you can, it should be fairly trivial to determine which, and how many, as-yet-unburned accounts fit this same profile.


April Fools.

Yuk yuk yuk. ?


Have great compassion for your fellow man, but don’t be a bleeding-hart mark for this hi-fren-woe-is-me-it’d-sure-be-easier-to-be-a-compliant-sheep schtick peddled by anonymous Internet accounts magically restarted a month after they were created.



120 updoots for the second one? Embarrassing.


and none of them mentions "cankles." Seriously, ankle monitor technology hasn't come remotely close to being able to handle those sequoia trunks, and yet the "fact checkers" are still too timid to even mention the one dispositive fact that could conclusively turn back all these theories.

Now that's not to say that she hasn't been arrested yet... but ankle monitors?!?! Sorry, just no. We'll be seeing cold-fusion-powered flying med-beds before technology exists that can encircle those fat-storage tanks attached to Hillary's elephant legs.

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