Even if I'm not American, Mr Trump changed my life. When he became President it was like reason returning to the Western world. A sense of pride and strength that I lost living in socialist Western-Europe.

I'm not an expert in medical science, but no matter what happens I trust Trump. I believe he helped design a vaccine to counter Chinese bioweaponry, or he is playing informational warfare by supporting it.

I will not waiver, Mr Trump is the President the world deserved and in hard times I will only support him more.


Hi Frens,

My situation is slightly different than others I read on the site. In not American, my work (used to) involve a lot of traveling. International Sales basically.

I’ve been completely vaccinated up until COVID, I am a huge Trump supporter, he pushes the vaccines too. Why is everyone here talking about the ‘death jab’ what reason to believe people will die in a few years?

Im very confused and conflicted, not taking the vax will basically ruin my career. Are you guys really sure it’s that dangerous? I can’t get religious exemption because my office is in an ‘at will’ country. You can get fired for any reason..


I’m not religious but I’m a massive Trump and Q follower. I see lots Christians on the board, any other atheists around here?

How do you view the religious factor in the Q movement?


May I remind everyone that DJT is the acting President of the United States, the one guy who has fought the DS at every turn. With disregard to his own wealth and reputation, he sacrifices himself.

Seeing the doubt about his on this board breaks my heart. As much as I appreciate patriots like Lin Wood, his access to critical information is much less than the President.

Keep faith in Trump, he has never lied to us and he never will. I believe he has to stay unpredictable to fight the DS. We aren’t privy to his level of intel.

I will never waver in my support for him.


Happenings everywhere. Audit going, Trump coming back, Bill Gates getting ‘divorced’. This is the main event we’ve all been waiting for.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the movie ?


I'm a little new to Q (got red pilled after the stolen election). How do the Delta's work, I have understood a 1 year delta means that the Q post is relevant to the same date a year later, but how do we know which year is relevant?

Are there some Q posts that have specific delta's like a 1 year, 2 year, 3 year delta? Or can a post be relevant in any of the following years and we don't know yet which year it will be?