Father is more resistant mother wants to give it If I can’t convince the mother to not, what supplements can give to father for counteracting it?
Not sure if organic but lots of people waking up to danger of the legal immigration not just the illegals.
Easy to overlook but is there a reason for a zero, not an O in DOD in this tweet from DOD?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
🤔 Wizard of Oz Ruby slippers to be auctioned on December 7th. Probably nothing..
Meme warriors, we salute you!
Scavino coming home. Could get interesting this weekend…
Wait, doesn’t that sound like a firing squad?
“5 Big Booms!” What an odd thing to say?…
Seems odd but is this comms about Chelsea Clinton?
Not confirmed yet, but if it is… yikes!
Just wondering. Seems to be a lot coincidences lately…
Just noting Today is Mad Hatter Day. Lots of Wonderland refs in the drops.
All great movies have some comedy 🤣
How does Greg do it?! 🤣
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