I went to a doctor and was prescribed after asking for it. Tractor Supply or Amazon but it is for horses. A lot of 180lb horses seem to be doing ok after taking it.
I think I did an empty stomach but I’ve also read fats help transport ivermectin
Honesty is the best policy and you in fact did have worms
So hook worms that can be picked up from walking barefoot and can cause severe anemia are my friend? I’m not sure what kind I had but that makes no sense. If parasites can cause intestinal ulcers and take nutrients from the food your eating for themselves that is not something I want in me.
At this point I don’t see a reason to stop from what I’ve found there aren’t really any negative results from such a low dose. If it will help with other viruses and keep worms out of me I’ll take it. I’ve read other research about slowing cancer and stops cancer T cells from replicating, I don’t know if that’s true but it could be a bonus.
Nope still had an upset stomach this morning and my joints are a little sore today but that could be from how I slept.
Prevention only. I figured what could it hurt, my wife’s doctor was willing to prescribe it so I switched doctors and started taking it
I’ve been thinking the same thing. I’m telling anyone I know that will listen.
They are great if you have a catastrophic event but only treat symptoms of everyday problems. I believe medical malpractice is in the top 5 causes of death in the United States.
Stop 1 tick mark before 250 and your horse should be worm free in 2 days
Well I did check and it wasn’t pleasant. I honestly don’t think you could see them in a white toilet bowl. It was a disturbing experience.
I took my second dose yesterday and my stomach sounds like a thunderstorm today. So it is my fourth day from the first dose.
I don’t need that but I still feel better knowing what I got rid of.
My dose from a doctor is 1st dose then 48 hours later 2nd dose then once every 2 weeks
I had never been wormed. I was in Panama and Honduras in the military and grew up a military brat living around the world. So there is no telling how long I’ve been infected.
I’ve had some terrible experiences with doctors and it has really made me skeptical of anything they say. I find it’s best to be as knowledgeable as I can be, the doctors hate it but it is my only defense.
I have the stuff for my horse also but I’ve never taken it. It has weight amounts on the stem of the plunger. So it has tick marks then 250lbs tick marks then 500lbs.
My doctor actually wrote me and my wife a prescription. I took the first dose Friday then 48 hours later had my second dose then once every 2 weeks
That’s not a US thing I’m in my 40’s and have never even thought of worms. It’s good to know and I’ll will definitely never forget.
I was stunned. My wife is mad because I tell other people but there is no shame in my game. I think the more people are aware the better.
Isn’t it odd though? Millions of people have millions of doctors appointments every week and not one deworming in your whole life. I wonder what symptoms are being treated without ever even looking for the true cause.
So sick of the Tick-Tock bullshit
Lol it’s new. It’s been a big argument for a while now