10 days into this amazing love fest and it seems to be carrying on without a hitch, however as time goes on what are some scenarios, contingencies, game theories etc about how this plays out? The organizers seem to be very well funded, prepared and thoughtful on how to play the game, but it’s unusual that the gov will just let something like this continue without pushback. Looks like the first step is trying to cut off their fuel which didnt seem to phase them tonight as they basically announced-no big deal! We’re ok without fuel.

Will the government cave on the mandates and everyone goes home peacefully? Will the police round them all up? What sort of escalations are coming?

I dont know whats going to happen but it sure is a beautiful thing to see happening for our side and quite the conundrum logistically for the enemy’s with all the heavy equipment involved!

Thoughts on how it plays out?


Radio signal seems pretty quiet given the current state of affairs. Are the masses just going to roll over on this and get injected or will we see some back tracking by companies/gov as the deadlines approach?

Link please. Was great info. Very concise delivery for nomies to consume regarding vaccine risks. Anyone happen to have it?