To me it sounds like "I haven't finished yet" but it's hard to be sure.
Elections? Surely you must be joking.
I can still downvote and see all the thumbs down. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Sheila Jackson Lee is not a Texan
"Hello McCarthy, have a look at my red folder here. Don't worry I have lots more copies, I brought that one just for you ;)"
Awesome! Now do WA
Anyone still wondering why RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA you now have your answer.
I don't believe most of the world thinks Biden is president. Most other countries have much more free information about what's happening here in America than we get from our local "information outlet"
I heard them talking about this on the local radio station. "Threats of terror, like what happened on Jan 6th" These people have gone full retard. They must be fucking DESPERATE labeling anyone at the capitol "terrorists". I wouldn't even label the Antifa types that were breaking windows the cops let in terrorists. Even all the BLAntifa types that burned cities down this past summer weren't terrorists, just stupid anarchist clueless assholes. A terrorist is some Islamic guy with rpgs and a suicide vest blowing people up. You don't have terrorism without deaths, the only people that died at the capitol were killed by the GOVERNMENT. Do people on the left see through this propaganda or are they going along with this nonsense?
China Fucking Virus. From China.
Haven't updated since before the covid tracking OS, and will never update again. Phone goes in garbage soon before I go back to a land line.
Says global situation is prompting “destruction of traditional values.” I think he meant to say "globalist situation"
1.9M subscribers 1.87M signed up to downvote all new videos
2022.. We'll all be dead by then if we don't fix 2020
Yeah it's called the Biden administration
It's a twofer: The election AND The great reset. You will own nothing, get injected monthly, praise JOE BIDEN as your dear leader, and love it.
I want this stickied right below the GA banner on the homepage until that Manchurian candidate, his running mate, and all the dominion influenced state and local race winners are removed from office.
If the FBI released it, you can be sure it's dry with no sauce.
"second gentleman Doug Emhoff," What a douchey title!
I haven't updated since they launched that Orwellian covid contact tracking BS in the OS. My next phone will be a rotary.
If you're still living in the dreamworld at this point in time no amount of pills (of any color) are going to snap you out of it. Launch the missiles! Damn the torpedoes! Go Go Go!
Gamestop is still around? I thought they went extinct like Blockbuster video or the dodo bird.
Awesome! Now do the election
Mask mandates aren't very American... Agreed
It's a good thing Biden isn't actually the President.