Birka 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no more Corporate America. Trump shut them down, that is why the democrats are so in to inpeach Trump so his 4 years work would be shut down and all would be back normal business as usual for the Democrats and The Corporate USA disolvement would be out the windows like didn’t happen. This is why President Trump chose to step back a little to protect us the people and the Nation. Recently I find out the Corporate United States Department of Homeland Security of America also Patriots and they never given up. They are on our side fighting the Deep State and there is many others out there like us Patriots. Just remember. Never give upour President Trump told us that!

Birka 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one stating it’s over. When you fell you fall, reach out to be bought back on your feet. There are times you feel it’s over, but that’s when surprise will come. People of Israel who believed and stayed in the Desert were blessed. Keep your faith and let the course to play itself out. We have done our part . I know deep inside you all feel the same.

Birka 1 point ago +1 / -0

People don’t forget why we are here. The Devil Is getting to your minds. Don’t allowed that to happen.

Birka 4 points ago +4 / -0

Federal Registery executive order for Biden posted 9 signed orders to be published on the 25th