Thank you for the homework. I’ll look them up right away.
I’m aware of the different types of trials and the way in which they present statistics in different lights in order to push certain agendas. However, isn’t it possible for groups like pharma, the Rockefeller foundation, Soros, etc. to pay off the people conducting these studies and have them lie about the data? I understand they have boards who are supposed to determine whether or not papers get published, but those people are probably paid off like all the rest of them. How can we truly trust the data?
Thanks again for replying with those resources!
Sounds like you know a lot about the belly of the pharma beast. Would you mind answering a couple questions for those of us who would like to learn more?
Could you recommended some credible resources for us to read/watch? (Research papers, books, videos, etc)
How do you distinguish between credible information and untrustworthy information?
What are your thoughts on germ theory vs terrain theory?
Thank you
Sounds like you and OP know a lot about the belly of the pharma beast. Would you mind answering a couple questions for those of us who would like to learn more?
Do you have any credible resources that we could read/watch? (Research papers, books, videos, etc)
How do you distinguish between credible information and untrustworthy?
What are your thoughts on germ theory vs terrain theory?
Thank you
Can confirm lots of coughing at the office the past week. That includes both jabbed and unjabbed