As someone who has committed adultery, lied, cheated, stolen and used the lord's name in vain at various times in his life I find it easier to pray for justice and for God's will to be done rather than pray for pain on someone.
Many of these people are evil and God will enact his justice on them as well as all of us sinners. Some of these people are broken souls who were tortured themselves and put through the shredder to be programmed to be who they are. Some grew up that way and know no other way. It's just 'normal'. Others are mentally ill.
I do not wish an eternity in a fiery hell for these folks. Nor do I think we should wish pain on them. Some may have salvageable souls. Those that don't I would hope just cease to exist so that the rest of us (hoping I haven't done anything so bad that I would be on the winning side) learn our lessons and move on.
Don't pray for others to suffer you are only lowering yourself.
I truly hope those shipping containers are not full of trafficked people.
But if they are full of Chinese soldiers or gang/terrorist related individuals who were being transported in secret then....
Google '22 faces 9th circle cult's and look at the results. Then do it in duck duck go. See any differences?
Have s normie friend try and see if they can rationalize it.
Oh and if you haven't already read about it enjoy... or rather dont.
When I look around I see many people who although might be good, humble and smart are still asleep. I see good christian people who are.much better people than myself who are asleep.
I wonder why I think the way I do and question the way I do. O6t seems it would be easier and more blissful to be asleep but my mind cant help itself. Why is that?
I think it's the same for all of us. Something inherent in oiur thinking refuses to accept illogical excuses for this illogical reality. It's hard to explain. Sometimes infeel.likeninwas chosen for this. This was my purpose perhaps.
Could all be bullshit but interesting nonetheless.
Strangely enough SouthParQ really made an effort to put forward the numbers 2-2-3. Think Mirror, 322,
X-22 is 322 if you look at the alphabet in a mirror and count to the third letter. X becomes 3.
322 is the skull and bones number.
I am a bit curious to see if anything goes down on 3/22. Of course this post will probably trigger every buttplug in the MSM to think viking gear clad anons are expecting the second coming but that's their job and we know who pays them so there's that.
someone posted this vid earlier today and I finally got around to watching it. Listen to Kappy. Is Epstein the keystone?
3:33 Epstein is the Keystone
They were the transport type with a rotating blade on each end.
So on March 25th Hollywood is releasing a movie showing the reptile god....zilla fighting a giant primate king.
They screwing with us or what?
What is the Wall? We think its the border wall? Could it actually a code name for something else? A firewall?
A 'wall's to protect our grids from EMPs?
A wall to filter airwaves from harmful 5g frequencies but allow the safe ones?
It is apparety something we fought hard for and I dont believe it was that fence we put. In down south.
there is a plea deal remark!!
Hey Austin (AKA Baby Q)
Can you contact your future self to let us know how this is all going to go down? A lot of doomers are shitting themselves and you being baby Q and all, well perhaps your future self (Q) may be able to give us some clarity. What do ya say? Call the future for you homies? Just make sure it's after you actually become Q though. Some of your BS looks like you just made it up prior to knowing what you were talking about.
mmmkay Thank!
It's not going to matter.
I believe that Trump and the boys have removed the US from the corporation. Biden will be president of the district of Columbia and nothing more.
This is their last stand. The vermin hide in that little caged owl whole the rest of the world learns what they have been doing.
Anyone else having crazy ringing in their ears the past two to three weeks?
Up to me? I would declass all MLK and JFK stuff to prime the pump.
Then arrest GWB for 9/11 along with declass. That's something both parties could probably believe as we all suspected it all along. People would actually feel vindicated.
Then step by step release it all.
is it the Canaanites? Those who worshipped Baal ,who also worshipped Baphomet (the transgendered)? Those who sacrificed their children to Molech and practiced canabalism (canaanabaalism)? Who later became the Phonecians? Later the Khazarians? The ones who created the masonic order and Maritime law? The ones who turned the US into a corporation. The ones who created communism as a way to entice the foolish to their will.
Those illuminated ones who worship the 'holy' trinity ..
Funny that we call the enemy cucks as the cuck gives his wife to a 'bull' . It's not a fetish. It's a ritual. Baal is represented by a bull, he is known to them to be the god of fertility. They are giving their wives to the bull for fertility. They are cucks.
They are pushing Baphomet symbology in the form of gender non-conformity. Another cult practice. Do you think Schumer's wife is really a woman?
They already have us celebrating Christmas and Easter which have nothing to do with Christ and Everything to do with Nimrod and Jezebel....
We have all been practicing Babylonian cult rituals created in the times of Nimrod/Gilgamesh yet made to appear suitable to Christianity and all at the behest of the serpent seed.
I believe this is what the Great Awakening is going to open peoples eyes to.