Had a conversation with a co-worker today about the rumor of Oregon giving all the homeless $1,000 a month as UBI.
I asked him how they’re planning to pay for it and he didn’t know but told me that everyone should be getting UBI.
I asked where the money would come from and he told me that “the government can just make more money”.
When I said that would fuck up our economy and pointed out the old stories of Russians using wheel barrows of worthless money to buy food I was told “it doesn’t matter if an Apple costs $1 or $100 as long as people are getting paid enough to buy the Apple”
Anyone have any info on this video? He’s talking about Q & says John F Kennedy Jr. is the Vice President & he got to fly him to Mt. Rushmore so he could stand on it.
My coworkers were talking to me about how doctors across the country are walking out of hospitals because they are fed up with “stupid” anti-vaxxers and about how deadly the Delta variant is.
I asked how can they tell there is a delta variant when the cdc just admitted the PCR test can’t tell the difference between COVID, the flu, & a cold.
Then my coworker freaked out and told me to stay away from him because I could kill his 11 year old daughter due to me not being vaxxed.
We’ve spent the last year working together without masks. But only now because I haven’t taken the shot could I kill his daughter.