Please help to share and promote the latest from Australia: Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, and his Chief Health officer Brett Sutton are allegedly under formal investigation for indictable crimes. Related to their treatment of COVID "pandemic" in Melbourne and Victoria. Details are here: Very well documented case, plenty of links to relevant documents, plus links to 47 peer-reviewed Scientific Papers. This has potential to be really, really huge. Please share and promote. Thank you.


I hope my understanding is wrong here:

Have a look at TRUMP Administration SANCTIONS UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS For INTERFERING in the 2020 ELECTION, and you will find this explanation ("...pursuant to Executive Order 13848 ..."):

"Former Ukraine Government officials ... through the coordinated dissemination and promotion of fraudulent or unsubstantiated allegations** involving a U.S. political candidate**."

Now - wasn't the "political candidate" Joe Biden? The above seems to imply that all the information we were fed about Biden and Ukraine was false, right? Is it possible that DS is readying for Biden using Trump's EO 13848 - against him?


Where is he, what is he up to, and will he ever deliver what he is paid for?