Hello Frens. I know the more immediate and pressing issues are being dealt with at lightning speed. I just want to know if there has been any further talk of Trump's Freedom Cities concept. I don't think I've heard anything for close to a year on it. Is it just a matter of waiting for more info or did I miss something?



Anyone see the 17 on the teleprompter to his left?


Hello Frens. I was just thinking yesterday, why don't we tax the hell out of remittances? the value of labor that an uneducated immigrant provides should not equal vastly increased wealth back home, where the exchange rate for USD is drastic.

I feel like we are getting F-ed over here. The families of illegals in other countries get a better deal, compared to Americans, not even counting the welfare and other benefits that those who come here get while in the country. I'm not for income tax on citizens, but I think this is a different issue where tax should be applied. Thoughts?


Hello Friends, Pedes, Countrymen. With Donald's campaign Era ending, it got me thinking about this board.

Does a board like this still have a place once the large truths about the world are accepted by the public?

Beyond being the most based social space, what's next?

Does the Q operation have an end date, or does our research become always ongoing, and the fight for the truth never stops?

When America has been made great again, is our purpose to live our best lives, aware of how to fight future infiltration and attack on this nation?

I've been on the ride since the escalator, and in this boat since 2020. I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

What do you want your place to be after the collective fight gives us what we wanted?

We don't see the world like other people, I'm not sure where that leaves us and will influence our actions going into the future.


I was vaxxed as a infant and child. Any way to reverse the effects?

I've noticed this channel getting more views, they cover topics relating to Ukraine. Would one consider it to be high-quality propaganda, analysis, or maybe one pretending to the be other? It seems odd that a channel that did not start with this content would make an hour-long PowerPoint on current thing every week. I just want to hear some opinions, spare a thought for a youngster.

Their newest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj9HD8MdAFs


Please make the sources of the data as wide as possible. I will look for data on my own outside of this website, of course. I use Brave to search a majority of the time, but the results feel undercooked.


Mods with the sticky launcher. (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 HORSESHITPOST 🐴
posted ago by BornSameMonthAsTrump ago by BornSameMonthAsTrump

I have been tasked to write a newspaper article for my highschool newspaper class about Q, or rather what they have called "Qanon". Is there any basic facts and sources I could draw from as to bring only the truth? I want to counter the media's spoon fed lies, with this being the opportunity.

: ) Please.


I have not been on Pat.win since the mass dooming on the 20th. Is there anything of value to see over there?