BottlesOfRedpills 2 points ago +2 / -0

...and shortly thereafter, monarchs emerge from their chrysalisi to fulfill their goals in explosions of color?

BottlesOfRedpills 2 points ago +2 / -0

MK/Monarch reports are getting scrubbed too; need to find some new simple summaries for the recently red-pilled, bitchute or other.

BottlesOfRedpills 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly been searching, it's old, my original was printed off a vax. Greenbar.

BottlesOfRedpills 1 point ago +1 / -0

Theory holds water, whether it was the original intent or side bonus

BottlesOfRedpills 2 points ago +2 / -0

THIS. We enjoy IPOT76 too.

BottlesOfRedpills 4 points ago +4 / -0

Heard about the orange-haired giant allegedly killed by Marines in Kandahar? Every place on earth has similar tales of Giants, six fingers and six toes, usually man eaters, long lived powerful etc.

BottlesOfRedpills 3 points ago +3 / -0

Search the Q drops, it seems there will be a comm by POTUS like 'my fellow Americans the storm is upon us' which will be a trigger of some sort. It's also been indicated there is a group of less than ten, of which the greater part are military. Q is anon and those addressed were also anons and autists and researchers who suspected the deep state, who were gathered by clues and thus grew to become a digital army. Many recently took a version of the oath to serve the country, uphold the Constitution. (Not the government.)

BottlesOfRedpills 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure yet, but we know their old lines of communication keep getting shut down. Following to see what pedes come up with

BottlesOfRedpills 3 points ago +3 / -0


Also, I'd include Neon Revolt's book, very good timelines and a different perspective from a front line researcher.

BottlesOfRedpills 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you think of the speculation around brother actually becoming Kathy Griffin?

BottlesOfRedpills 3 points ago +3 / -0

Always worth a listen, he's been based a lot longer than most, and recognized the spiritual nature of the current war.

BottlesOfRedpills 5 points ago +5 / -0

Chan, Kun, reddit, Gab, Voat, TDW... different names but just me, a humble Catholic, analyst and student of life. Been ridiculed by my own family, friends for years when I'd ask questions about 9-11. Trying plain facts strangely wasn't working, and I know the definition of insanity, so I studied how to change their hearts and minds and been working on that ever since. They proudly come to me with their finds now and are red-pilling others. Praise God & pass the ammunition, but do NOT stop praying. Never underestimate the power of prayer. NOTE- and ponder carefully- God and prayer transcend time. This means you can pray for the past and the future with equal power. (a blind study of closed medical cases assigned randomly to prayer groups proved those prayed for IN THE PAST had significantly better outcomes) So pray for your own parents, you may never know the difference but have faith because it is there. Long live Kekistan!