In responding to my local area university newspaper regarding their Editor Review of the movie Civil War. Enjoy the article below and my own Red Pill coated or coded 😉 response Anons. God bless you all.


I must admit I never write newspapers Grace, due to my distrust of Mainstream Media since the late spring/beginning summer of 2019 when I watched cities burn, and the media calling the protests “mostly peaceful”. Or they ignored ANTIFA and BLM joining forces, supported by George Soros and the World Economic Forum (WEF) to test run a Socialist-Fascist push into media and nearly taking control of all true/factual politics and events, to put “their” spin on these things. And that “spin” being the fault of conservatives and Patriots whom have long been prepped for a Red Dawn event in this country.

Well it has slowly and efficiently encroached and arrived through our social media, again Mainstream media, and heavily into our colleges. And is attempting to be shoved down into our pre-college education systems. Being from a small farming/ranching town, I think you understand what I’m saying.

Anyway I found your article wonderful and hopeful, from a very fresh media perspective on the divisive “narrative” this Civil War movie shows about our country, but maybe, just maybe the media feeling confused or they possibly got things all wrong. Which is really the truth. The majority of Americans don’t live by the media, we live by our upbringings and have been mostly faithful to our laws and especially have enjoyed our Constitution. Our forefather’s fled here to escape religious and political tyranny, and we’ve developed a culture to kind-of stay that way. Just be left alone in our community and lives, and get along as best we can. Well the infiltrated media hand in hand with an infiltrated government (That’s called fascism by definition), slow Red Dawn-style, has decided that our young 450 year+ culture NEEDS to be torn down.

You may not know but maybe you do, an informational war has been going on, and is about to make a Quantum leap in an extremely rougher but more positive outcome result by the end of it all. So I for one hope you keep your heart right where it is. Give us Patriots hope that the media can do the right thing soon, and report on the full truth once again. Just like it more or less did a decade or so ago.

Thank you and God bless you Grace. You truly seem to know Where We Go One We Go All, together.


P.S. Just in case certain “protests” happen here. I will provide you with how the actual directions and information gets “coded” to ALL ANTIFA & BLM provocateur coordinators. And sadly it “prints” from our town.

Main site and “narrative coded” articles. Also was found & highlighted by conservative Reporter Lara Logan.


See link to 2nd listing below.



Javier Mileis has vastly improved his Country’s economic Stance with quick economic moves for the win! As long as he and his Admin can hold Greed and Corruption in check, his country should flourish. As I hope for us going forward after Trump wins here in the USA, This Is The Way.



A must listen to episode of X22 Report full updates on Trump’s cases, his current moves, why he was put in place, what’s going on currently, and what’s going to come over the summer toward Election. Dave really stresses the total resetting of most of Congress. The removal and change of guard for all of these political criminals!

The Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!



David Nino and SG-Anon providing a very On-Point international update to the things coming down the pipe soon or this summer as we march towards elections. The precipice Will Be Reached per his discussion. And Juan, Clif High, Brad Barton, and some of the best “Truthers” in my opinion along with David Nino are all beginning or already warning the same things. The Approaching Precipice.

So SG-Anon really clarifies a lot here and is very to the point on Russia, Iran, Israel, China, Taiwan, Europe, the Korea’s, the Petrol Dollar crashing with the global economy, and the most likely scenarios we WILL be facing. Could be just a few or most likely ALL.

Worthy to send to anyone who will listen, and it’s short. They get into the solid info/Intel only 3min in, just over 19min total. God bless you all Anons. WWG1WGA



When LSU doesn’t stand for the National Anthem in the game to take one of them to the Women’s NCAA Final-4; Caitlin Clark and the Iowa Hawkeyes will make them pay dearly! Take that ya crappy Star Spangled haters! Kek!


Clark and the Hawkeyes vs. LSU Highlights: https://youtu.be/ckpu15d7P5M?si=9HkLzwAfebWov_jR


Russia is Calling The US Immoral For Not Offering To Help Secure Sphere (of influence I’m assuming) between it and terrorist nations the US has control or military in, probably including Ukraine. It’s not clear what is meant by that so far, but the US has been lax on saying much besides blaming ISIS for the attacks. Maybe y’all Anons can find some more info to add.


Putin seems to be taking same staunch media route as Pipeline destruction but of course WAAAY More serious now that civilians are directly involved! This is going to get extremely hot I’m betting.



Dave at X22 has a great pod-cast about the possible events coming. And interesting that China and/or Iran will attack the US water infrastructure. WatchThe Water Perhaps Anons? Listing in to see what else you find in this episode of X22.



An interesting article on Netanyahu vs. Biden linked below. And yes Biden is the nitwit “him” in my title I am referring to. Kek!

I took out the last paragraph and highlight the last 2 sentences. Could this be why Q says towards the US, “Save Israel For Last.”? I really do wonder in this context Anons. The article is mainly about Biden’s Rocky support of Israel while being called out by Palestinians, while deaths mount on their side in Gaza, and Israeli lives were lost in the Oct. 7th slaughter, and the continued rocket attacks into their cities during this conflict. And it additionally is on Biden and Netanyahu’s conflict relationship.

Israeli leaders have shown not the slightest compunction in killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, displacing 2 million Gazans, and calling for ethnic cleansing. The International Court of Justice has determined that Israel may well be committing genocide, and the ICJ could make a definitive determination of genocide in the next year or two. Biden would enter history as an enabler of genocide. Yet he still has the chance to be the U.S. president who prevented genocide.

Let me take this part out to repeat it below Anons.

“Biden would enter history as an enabler of genocide. Yet he still has the chance to be the U.S. president who prevented genocide.”


Makes ya go hmmm.


Now these are telling article Anons.but the one from GWP at the top are the “Soft Invasion” scenarios of China taking Taiwan. And reality is without US and Japan intervention, it falls. And buy all current US policy records, the US and Japan have accords to immediately help Taiwan if invaded. Interestingly the article first focuses on the small islands close to China as being scenario invaded first. But also then alludes to the next phase being the mainland Taiwan itself.

I frankly believe China will skip the little islands and go for the throat immediately. And totally without warning. They’ve already flown fighters and bombers close by to test how close they can get. I bet it’ll be night, during a storm, they drop paratroopers in first before beach invasions. Why? That’s exactly how we took the German beach fronts so quick in WWII, after learning frontal assault mistakes in the Philippines and Guadalcanal. And the Chinese have been given plenty of swoop and test waters opportunities by Taiwan and the US to push the boundaries of the weak response.

So as the Middle East heats up, NATO pushes back on Russia, and our own border is in chaos, as soon as the stock market plummets heavily on 1-2 bad days, as Biden’s Admin is raked over the coals on some more crimes, and they attempt to jail Trump causing chaos from trigger-happy-angry Patriots, that’s when China will jump in mass and quickly at night, on Taiwan.

NCSWIC. sadly.





Taiwan and China bumping boats again, and now 2 deaths. Keep eyes on this Anons as I don’t think it’ll take much for China to act at some point. And we all know Droolin Joe won’t do crap, even though it’ll cause a mass scare upon that precipice the World is currently teetering on.



Just read the article Anons. It looks like different Councils and Boards in the SF area are Awakening to Conservative Ideas for Good Reason. 😁😁😁 Well it’s about F-ing time!



ESPN, Disney’s own sports channel is opening up the Red Pill Bottle. It got through on their Broadcast how bad Biden is, the Border, and that yes Trump Will Win. This will make the DemoLib sports watchers heads esssplode all over National and International TV and Phone Screens! 😂🤯🤣😂🤯🤣

The Great Awakening Anons! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Nothing! God bless you all.




Ladies and Gents, NewScum is showing what sweating bullets over DJT becoming President again looks like! Two pieces of an interview here, and a transcript. Video is mostly the same as both articles come from 1 interview. But each article breaks down their part to focus upon.

The first link is a video and transcript of Gavin trying, trying to put ANYTHING, any words together to express what’s taking place in the DemoLib party and his own mind. This dude is fracking scared and fumbling. He seems smug, but it is anxiety and fear. He knows Exactly that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming! Hahaha!

The second link is Gavin trying to shift blame to Trump, but reading his body language and between the lines, the Slickster is even having issues with lying in this interview. He is physically displaying where the blame actually lays for his party, and he knows he is stupidly a part of it!



This is fear of GITMO level bad Anons. And I bet he either vomited after this interview, or had to smoke or drink something quick to forget what was expressed on camera. He, his whole party will start appearing like this more and more, State by State as entire walls of a Nation from all 4 sides close in.

Justice Is Coming and We Will Win.


Well y’all, SNL is trying to sell/or re-run Covid as not a bad thing? Odd but the way they do this skit actually helps destroy thee entire Covid and Booster Narrative today/currently. I mean a subtle Great Awakening put in the face of Sheeple directly from this skit. It’s older (1yr.) but being replayed across FB, Instacrap, and a few of the more DemoLib sites. So check it out and see what y’all think and see.

Much love and respect Anons, God bless you all, and keep up the fantastic digs.



So as the common folk’s checking, savings, and even stock/retirement accounts are about out, dry, or deep in the red as they max credit to survive, the police in the LA and Bay Area still can’t respond much to crimes. All due to NewScum’s 💩 DEI Policies.

Well the thieves, gangs, cartels, and whom ever else has come over our borders with the 11 million illegals since 2021, know this all to well CommieFornia is RIPE For The Picking. Now instead of CVS, Walmart, or Walgreens theft and liquor store robberies, these animals have just decided it’s easier to revert to the Wild West.

Yep my fren Anons, Bank Robberies have returned; and have returned with gusto and style! Now instead of robbing the inner bank or using slip-cards to hack ATM’s, they’re just fine with pulling 2019 looting again, Stealing Entire ATMs. And not just smash and grabs out of 7-11 or AM/PM, no! They’re just going to rip off the in-ground ATMs and banks and drag them away, down the road with NO POLICE Stopping Them!

Read below and watch the captured video. This is just stupid crazy and will only get worse. Welcome to The Great Awakening California!



With all the Cabal scrambling in the US and Droolin Joe getting worse, and them cheering themselves in Davos for their around the world mayhem, I’m researching China’s recent reported military-political moves and Taiwan’s reactions.

With the Middle East heating up and Iran averting Pakistan’s attention from their usual eyes on China, I think the invasion or siege of Taiwan is coming sooner than the US Cabal thinks. I’m even wondering if Iran is helping divert Pakistan on purpose since the Chinese supply Iran with arms and technology.

Then there is North Korea which has suddenly diverted its eyes solely on South Korea as its main protagonist, then it always being the US.

And in the US we have Texas. The Lone Star State being true patriots telling Joe to F-off, and doing it in a very political, show-of-force defiant way! When was the last time a US State physically stood up to the Federal Gov. with military force?! Well I think the Civil War.

Now granted Texas isn’t in cahoots with China taking Taiwan. But the White Hats sure are moving their chess pieces quickly to really confuse the DC idiots which way to look, being most important, when hostilities if not bullets are flying in all directions around the world!

Some “article sauce” to my discussion linked below. Anyone else have thoughts on this?






Most of us long-term Anons and Patriots here I hope listen to X22Report daily or weekly for Dave’s info and “Future” updates. Dave put out another good report Sunday on future or incoming events. Give it a listen as he stresses the big US Awakening is going to “possibly, maybe, perhaps, we’ll have to see” be directly on US soil. Then you still have Taiwan, the economy, the fighting in the Middle East, and more escalating All At Once, or in a “string of time” together.

Give it a listen Anons. Another worthy view into now and the future, to soon become past.



Mod Initiated Discussion, this is not Dooming but what is surly coming for us all to be emotionally prepared for.

*** Thread Boundaries Please: Anyone being blatantly disrespectful, not THINKING and really trying not to be constructive about what is being laid out here will have their comment/s removed. ***

This is an Anon lesson in insight, empathy, and love for what is to come. Thank you kindly Anons.

With all of the mass information near flooding into the news, a number of possible warned suicide events are coming.

They’ve been long referred to as “Suicide Weekend”, but I’m afraid this event will last longer than a single weekend. It could be multiple weekends, weeks, months, or longer. The length of the fallout is unknown. So how prepared are you? We need to discuss empathy civilly, and how to think empathetically with Christ’s forgiving heart.

Soon Anons, Politicians, Famous Stars and Athletes, Bureaucrats, media professionals and influencers All public and private Medical Professionals/Staff, law enforcement, and school/educational staff may/could/might/will begin to threaten, attempt, and commit suicide.

They will do so to avoid arrest, prison/jail, court cases, executions, blame, guilt, coercion, Relation To, Knows Them, Idolizes an Athlete or Star, is friends of, depressed already and sends over precipice, and thinks World is Really Ending.

Forgiving heart, why would I say this when many are waiting for a bunch of Cabal and Cabal controlled dirtbags to off themselves? Because, it WILL affect you!

Why? Because you already know someone that will be affected as the people I’ve listed kill themselves. This WILL affect Every Age Group! Think! This event will affect entire families, towns, community areas, cities, states, and entire countries WORLD WIDE. This WILL affect someone you know directly and in your immediate family. Because they will be affected by someone they know Killing Themselves in either one of these professions, or a family member.

The ones I think about most, are the elderly, parents, children, and mentally/developmentally disabled of these listed professionals. They will be the most vulnerable Without Direct Fault to kill themselves. Imagine a wave of impulsive and severely upset children, teens, and young adults all committing suicide due to Social Media Posts, Tick-Tocks, School News, News Reports, Funerals, etc. all over media, from all over the world.

And imagine what’s left of the most high up and evil of The Cabal and Satan himself, gleefully laughing at the suicide toll. And then the Souls stollen from God… We WILL have a flood of suicides of all ages inter-related world-wide to current and coming events. You all need to start thinking about how you are going to help focus people, focus other Anons, your family, and your community.

So what do you do Anons? You need to get up to speed on your community, area, and State Crisis Services. You need to be prepared for them also to be overwhelmed or understaffed Due To The Same THINGS EVERYONE Else Is Experiencing!! So you need to have a great many backups and a Supportive Network.

BUT MOST IMPORTANT!: Is to be empathetic towards what families, children, and friends are going through! Show compassion, help educated them on what and why gently. Let God guide your words in help, empathy, and love. Not in revenge and anger.

Take to heart and soul what I’ve said, and not only prepare yourself, but to PREPARE EVERYONE you can AROUND YOU to support each other in love. Yes Anons, The Great Awakening has certainly arrived.

We know a “Near Death Experience” for America and the World is now cascading, and will pick up speed. All the deaths from Covid and/or the Vaxx, escalating into WWIII, Epstein stuff, or State and Local False Flag Events could certainly be that breaking straw or mind for a great many people.

I am here for you Anons to help with questions and guidance, I hope. I have faith God put me on this forum for the Soul purpose to help prepare you. But Anons, I am but 1 person. So, WE as an Anon Forum Community need to be here for Each Of Us, for Where We Go One, We Go All.

Dear God bless each and every Anon with the strength, wisdom, empathy, and love to carry this information out to all they know and touch in person, and through their Social Media and communications. We will need your light and glory to continue to lift us all out of the darkness and into your light that has come. In Christ I ask these things for all of the Patriots, and Anons here, and across the world. Amen. Brent75


Well let’s see: False Flag explosion today, Biden confused everyday and started the Civil Rights Movement himself, HRC, Bill, and the Feds all in court documented proof to cover up the whole Epstein list, but pictures and tapes spilling out, Georgia Case against Trump is just bursting with prosecution misconduct, actual 2020 Court documented Election Fraud dropped yesterday with all the other Epstein stuff, and 5-6 Republicans are enough to bring Congress to its knees on their budget! Well the sh1t is hitting the fan Anons! And who is going to save the day?!? 😂😂😂

Big Mike is about to announce she will run to Save America!! 😂😂



Iran has sent their first warship into the Red Sea following the US-UK vessels taking out Iran’s 3 Houthi patrol boats. This does not bode well for avoiding any Middle East or WW3 escalations. So Heads Up Anons, as 2024 is off and running.



With events all over the world and US, we for sure are at the “Precipice” Q, and X22Report have been warning now for several years. Don’t need to post their links, as other Anons will help me. What I want to encourage is us, and our job of sanity as society in the US and globally finally “begins the tumble” off the precipice.

Some countries will actually complete the tumble and fall off the precipice. These are the countries that the Cabal 100% controls, and has been doing what it wants at will both economically and with mass casualties. It will be those countries currently in kinetic/physical conflict or completely impoverished already with no political hope.

Then there are the large “1st world” type nations that have not succumbed 100% to the Cabal and are fighting. They are at the precipice now, and are attempting not to tumble off. They are the ones you see with mostly mass political conflict, where fists, up to bullets haven’t started flying between people and their government, but it’s about there. When the “there” happens, that is the process of the “tumble off” that precipice. Oddly enough the two top-shinning countries on opposite ends is the US and Russia.

Russia has avoided the tumble, is soundly defending its people, getting its stolen land back from 2014, and its leader/s have no current desire for “World Domination”. Russia wants to do business and be politically and culturally left alone.

The US on the other side has politically become the opposite. It’s government wants to economically control the world, muck militarily in affairs, to further only the interests of its Elites. All while it’s majority society suffers and is politically rebelling, and on a verge of actual kinetic Civil Conflict.

To be prepared to stop conflict, and keep things political instead of kinetic…is the Anons. Yes my friends, over several decades we’ve been warmed up and expanding to keeping sanity for the masses as much as possible, and to help people face the “tumble off the precipice”. We Anons are to then hold the line during the tumble process, to let We The People have a taste of the Fall, and then reel us back to help society avoid “the fall”, avoid as much physical civil conflict as possible, and provide stability to other Anons and their countries world wide. Anons will help Awakening and sleeping Sheeple, climb back up the cliff, and then turn to bring heavy Justice and wipe out The Cabal.

“The Tumble off” will be a severe, all at once mass mix of economic collapse, severe political turmoil, some miner physical conflict, terrorism, and casualties to provide We The People a good true taste of America “dying”, but we will also have amazing peaceful patriots and politicians, supported and guided by Anons, to hold those lines for America and other like-countries to not actually fall off, but to pull We The People back up, and then arrest the Cabal by the rule of law, and begin the decade long repair of saving thee entire world.

And that my friends is each of you here on GAW, outside the shills and Doomers that are about to flame my post. Those patriotic Anons world-wide also includes the actual good patriots on X, on Truth, on PDW, on Telegram, on Rumble, and yes even the few on YouTube and FB.

So GAW Anons, we are the line holders and rope pullers to freeze the tumble off the precipice, and bring us back. And we do that by God’s Grace and intervention, our dedication, our love of family and humanity, and our education and information sharing. And we do this freely to Awaken all we can to what has happened, to justice required by law, and what to expect going forward. We Anons are the world’s climb back to sanity, to help all realize We We Go One We Go All, together we God.


X22Report discusses the “year of the boomerang” being 2024. This means all that will be presented from Jan 2nd up to Nov. of 2024, will include the economic collapse, expansion of WWIII, and other mass National and world events come crashing around Xiden and other Cabal world leaders. This is the year we’ve been pushed to, as the war goal posts had to be moved to catch them all, and get enough Anons prepped not only in the US, but around the World!


Listen and never forget, Where We Go One We Go All, together with God.


Well this is going to becoming quickly more interesting. I seem to remember Q mentioning Wray once or twice! Kek!



This is the first movie I’ve paid for since since the last Matrix movie came out. And oh of course, the Elites are out in force to Clap away at the new Hunger Games Prequel. I admit I do enjoy the meanings of the series even though I share in guilt of supporting the price.

These Elites like it because they think We The People have no clue, and of course they are paid ridiculous amounts to make such entertainments. But I’m glad to report, that IS the point of this last film: At What Cost to entertain the masses? How evil must one become to continue such, and make it larger for the Elite’s “entertainment”?


All 4 of the Hunger Games books and movies are another mix of The Matrix, or in actuality the modern versions of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”. These Hunger Games movies are actually Red Pilling the younger and some older Sleeping masses into realizing what the Elites are doing, I hope.

I do hope this continues to Awaken people to the outside the cave realization that the Elites are willing to kill us all, without question or care. And all so they, in their small rich group, can clap and laugh at ALL of our greatest expense; the loss of our everything and lives.


Will here we are as more and more health issues are popping up post-Covid vaxx double-triple-quadruple Boosters, MSM is certainly laying the narrative ground work for accelerated and “suddenly” cancers.These people are sick and are idiots continuing to spread the Cabal lies, when it’s all but over for them!


Personally I’m ready for the White Hats to “emergency” blue screen all of the cable/sat/internet main MSM news sites/channels, telling us “The US Military JAG just finished all of their preliminary investigations, and election fraud and possible poisonous vaccines have been found amongst the vaxx shots. So through their direct orders to the FCC, are shutting down all MSM news until further notice and broadcast informational court reviews!”

It would be nice if our JAG was this bold and brave while Xiden is in office. But I only see it happening if myself haha became President, but really when Trump regains the White House.

I’m 99% sure our Sheeple can stomach a truth like this now from our JAG. And if ANTIFA/BLM and the DemoLibs get stupid, then they can be handled under martial law at that point.

God bless you all Anons and Merry Christmas.

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