There was a comparison of an old painting and the recent photo of Trump and his crew (jr, Flynn, rfk jr…) on the plane with McDonald’s

It was connecting CEO shooter Luigi briefcase with Monopoly money, McDonald’s and the Pandora’s box rfk jr was implying?


Just trying to find info about Gaetz!

I just don’t see how a precipice can occur at this point.

Suicide weekends gonna have a completely different understanding in a few days. We’ve been duped. There’s no way they’ll announce Trump won.


Like Georgia pausing them kicking people out and continuing to vote after pulling suitcases out from under tables?

Or Arizonas nonsense, etc etc.


I’ve been in an EXHAUSTED state last month or so. I can’t help but think it’s the upcoming election.

No serious busts or issues addressed from 2020. Be ready for it again. These people will not be voted out at this point.

What calms you guys? Just typing this out helps a little. Love you all


There’s no way Trump should have survived the assassination.

Now we’re seeing ufo’s at the rally….

They had to have been involved in thwarting the plot.

Q hinted that we’re going to be flabbergasted once we find out whom Q is/are.

That’s all. Boy is this exciting!


Honest question: shouldn’t the millitary get involved by this point? An attempted, highly organized assasination attempt on an ex president? Seems serious.

Didn’t they say the shooter had off shore bank accounts?

Any actual investigating will lead to foreign and or domestic funding from rival political party/deep state.


There had to have been stand down orders in numerous agencies.

And I’m sorry there’s no replacement for Trump. He can’t be bribed or blackmailed/threatened.

If Trump dies it’s all over, as evident by the SS infiltration. There’s no military that’s going to save the world if good guys couldn’t get thru to the spotted sniper.

Just venting and theorizing.

The good news is it pretty much proves Trump is a threat and not theatrics.


It was from maybe 10 years ago


It was posted a long time ago somewhere and the two guys were fascinating. One had a really odd voice, and the audience was so calm. At the end a black farmer in overalls? started chiming in with something. Sorry that’s all I remember!

Edit: https://rumble.com/v42e30t-montel-williams-holocaust.html is the correct video!

Thank you!


I can’t find the Obama image


It’s coming folks. Saving Israel for last.

These people are dumb. They’ve backed themselves into a corner to not only be exposed but will simultaneously have everyone against them-which they’ve funded themselves. The irony, the karma, the JUSTICE.



Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!


That’s all. Dying over here for another q post.


Example would be someone so concerned about censorship that they end up censoring the other side.

Or someone so concerned on racism that they end up become racist and don’t realize it.

Or when someone claims they hate Nazis but then clearly start doing Nazi type shit and think they’re in the right.

Is there a term for this besides moron/idiot/pos/hypocrite


I can’t get a good google search and swear there were areas that restricted your primary to the registerd party only


What we are experiencing has to be so similar to the Jews that followers Jesus of Nazareth and witnesssed their thought to be Messiah destroyed and killed on the cross.

Once Jesus returned his followers went all out. No fear of anything as their belief was verified.

Just imagine the passion, confidence, relief and excitement we will have when a new Q post is released, or HRC’s arrest is announced, or mass suicide weekend..

Nothing can stop what is coming.



Whether it’s Robin Williams, or Seth Rich, or Norm McDonald, etc, etc.

An announcement like that would be wild, and pretty much nails in the coffin. Any questions would lead to the truth.

Anyone have other ideas that would be interesting? A Kennedy?


Just curious, can we set up a million man march sometime in the summer. Maybe go only in boxers so they can’t accuse us of anything? Have locals helping feed/water us on the march ?

Is anything organized?


I’m talking like each day at _____pm Eastern time zone we pic a specific scenario of the plan and all focus on it.

I would love to organize it but I will not have time to be consistently posting.

Anyways, just a thought. Hope you all have a good night.

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