McConnell is a swamp monster.
People are cowardly about doing the right thing because the left has become so powerful.
Why is Emmett Sullivan still on the bench? He's crazier than Captain Ahab.
Conservative media more accurately call it the Porkulous.
He's corrupt but not very bright, what a combo.
Mueller was appointed with no evidence of Russian interference at all. If the massive evidence of voter fraud doesn't trigger a Special Counsel, it will raise huge questions.
The Chinese must own Kemp.
What other conclusion is possible?
Mueller sent a former Trump campaign manager to prison. It was unjust but it happened and Manafort's life is in shambles.
Clinesmith facilitated an illegal coup effort to destroy an innocent and duly elected president and he barely got a slap on the wrist.
Notice that Mueller came out of the gate indicting anybody connected with Trump, while our side does a lot of investigating.
The reaction of Democrat, Independent and Republican voters to a measly $600.00 while corrupt DC pols dump billions on foreign countries must have been brutal. Trump heroicly goes to bat against all of congress for the American people. Pelosi must be scared witless.
As usual, Trump the only one in DC doing the right thing.
I wouldn't want to second guess Ratzinger but I wonder if he would have made the same decision if he had known a Jesuit socialist was on deck.
You'll have plenty of company. They couldn't pay me to take it.
People don't like the idea of being guinea pigs. No one fully understands even the short term effects of this vaccine much less the long term effects.
Go back and reread my original comment. I said they *CALL* it the Covid Relief Bill.
And they do. And that is conniving, corrupt and fundamentally dishonest.
Messed with the bull.
Here come the horns.
I wonder which bill Rand Paul is referring to.
Rand Paul blasts Congress for adding to US debt with COVID relief bill
Politicians And Celebrities Called Out Covid Relief Bill ...
Politicians And Celebrities Called Out Covid Relief Bill Across Social Media. Peter Suciu Contributor. ... On Monday lawmakers passed the $900 billion Covid-19 relief bill. It was the largest ...
The fraud was so blatant. It's a shame the country hasn't risen up en masse to reject China's handpuppet Biden.
So far the Supreme Court has dropped the ball.
Barr and Durham could easily have made indictmnts while they mattered. Mueller didn't screw around and investigate indefinitely. He was serious about the coup to destroy Trump so he came out of the gate indicating Trump associates. Barr/Durham, by contrast, have merely run out the clock.