YouTube has deleted all obviously 🙄
He stated I’m not gonna say which- but then went on to say look what they did to J&J about it’s safety. He said he could see dollar signs in the Pfizer guys eyes. I’ll try to find a link but he’s still on right now.
Ok - I have to get this off my chest and this is the only place I can. Was just on vacation for a week w/no Internet so I haven’t had a chance to post earlier. Mods feel free to delete if you must. Anyways- my sister is 66 and a die hard Democrat. But a dumb one- she just goes with party lines b/c of JFK and the Kennedys in general. She also supported Elizabeth Warren - but when you ask her about details of anything they support or don’t support she’s basically clueless. So she came on vacation & the subject of the election came up. I said you really believe that Biden got 81million votes? She said yes. I said so you believe with all his popularity he got more votes than Obama even? She was like what? No she didn’t think that. But she states she thinks a lot of people turned on Trump. I asked her when during a Presidential election did it take days to count the swing states? She knows never- I said you don’t find that troublesome? No- not really she says. Then my husband pointed out the NYC mayor race where they counted 135,000 test ballots- And she was like Oh yea I seen that. I said so wouldn’t you think if they cheat like that for a Mayors position they would do even more for the Presidents? She’s like I don’t want to talk politics! I tried to switch gears and talk about deep state and what that is. She doesn’t believe there is one & Oswald killed JFK … ey ey ey! I told her then she will be shocked when she learns the real truth of what goes on in this country. Some people don’t want to know.
I have my own thoughts but I really want to hear from this community whether anyone has looked deeply into whether Michael Jackson was a pedo or was he a victim of the cabal? I’m willing to look at any/all evidence for or against...