CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hello? You got really quiet after I said you might be a bot or working in a Russian troll farm. Did I guess right on one of those ?

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Obviously not, because you keep telling me I'm wrong.

So what are the facts? What's the difference between democracy and republic?

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh, there you are! I was wondering where you went.

So, could you tell us what the difference is between a republic and a democracy?

And yes, I know that the Constitution says we have a Republic. You don't need to repeat that.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

OMG, something just occurred to me!

What are we going to do in regard to President Trump?!

Obviously he's been brainwashed by leftists who want to enslave us all!

He obviously doesn't know the dangers that democracy presents to our country. Because he clearly said that democracy is the most effective form of government.

Or maybe he does understand how evil democracy is and has been so brainwashed by the leftists he wants to ruin the country and enslave us all!

We've got to stop this! But how are we going to stop him? This is very, very serious!

I mean, out of anyone, you should realize how dangerous a President who favors democracy is. I'm so glad you were here to tell everyone that President Trump has turned to the dark side and wants to enslave everyone with that evil, evil democracy. I think you might have singlehandedly saved mankind!

This is sarcasm, for those that can't recognize it in the written form.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

They make deals with hospitals. I don't know the exact nature of the deals, though . But I think they make the bulk of their profit from people who pay for insurance but never or rarely use it.

They are also experts at finding reasons to not pay for meds or treatments. The most infamous is using pre-existing conditions as a means to not pay for treatment.

But they're not allowed to do that now. Or they have been handicapped from doing it like they used to. I honestly haven't looked at the laws for preexisting conditions for a few years so they might have changed.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

But will they profit enough to continue? If you're severely capping their profits, why would they stay?

Do you think they're going to do it because they're good and decent people? You just said they're deliberately making bad meds and stealing from nature.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not going to sing the praises of Big Pharma and the medical industry.

But yes, they develop new medications all the time. I'm not saying they're good or beneficial, but they're developing them. And plenty of people are willing to take them when they come out.

And why do you think hospitals are going to invest in new or better machines or replace machines when they break if they're not going to make a profit with them?

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why do you keep repeating this? You understand there's more to it than that, right? You understand that no one here is denying that the Constitution mentions republic by name, but not democracy?

Seriously, do you understand this?

You understand that words have definitions and meanings, right? And that the definition of one word can be included in another?

Seriously, do you understand this?

Tell us why it was a wise decision. What is the difference between a Republic and a democracy?

Because I'm now convinced that you got this idea from some idiotic meme, and you don't have the first clue about any of this.

Except you're a master at knowing the Constitution says Republic and not Democracy. Even though no one is arguing against that.

So please do give us your take on this. After all, you must be a political genius, since you know better than two of the best Presidents ever.

How do you think the leftists got to Trump and was able to brainwash him into thinking we're a democracy?

Or maybe you're a bot. That would explain the fact that we've been discussing this for hours and all you've been able to do is say that Republic is in the Constitution but democracy isn't.

Or are you working at a Russian troll farm? That might explain it, too. Because in the US we're taught about forms of government in the 6th grade. They probably don't let Russians working in troll farms know much about democracy. So that would explain why you can't even explain what a democracy is and what a republic is.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes, there's a lot of explaining needed. Because according to you, everything we know about democracies and republics are just lies.

So can you tell us anything about a democracy and a republic other than that one is named in the US constitution and one is not?

Is that the sum total of your knowledge of the subject?

You said you were here to give us facts. So far all you've been able to provide is the word Republic is found in the Constitution and Democracy is not. So give us some more facts.

CallMeAl -1 points ago +0 / -1

Ok, then enlighten me. Explain to me what a Democracy is. Then explain to me what a Republic is.

You don't have to keep telling me the Constitution says we're a republic. I know that. I'm not arguing that it doesn't say that.

You have absolutely nothing to say here except repeating yourself that the Constitition says we're a republic and you keep ignoring the fact that a republic is a type of Democracy.

So let's move on. Let's get into the differences between a republic and a democracy.

Why are you unable to just give a simple answer as to what a democracy is and what a republic is?

But I do think it's hilarious you believe you know better than the two best Republican presidents ever what a democracy is.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chemists, engineers, machinists, everyone who works in a lab developing and manufacturing drugs.

Anyone working to make things like MRI machines, x ray machines, all the specialized equipment that hospitals use in diagnostics and surgery

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

How do you think you're going to show me facts by just repeating that the Constitution doesn't use the word democracy?

You can't even tell me what you think a democracy is, other than "mob rule". You haven't been able to tell me what a Republic is.

I think you're getting your education from memes. Honestly, I do.

Ok, you don't want to hear Reagan and "muh Democracy".

How about telling President Trump that he's wrong about "muh democracy"?


CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have read it. I know it says we're a Republic. I also know what a Republic is. It's a type of democracy.

None of this changes, no matter how many times you repeat yourself.

Could you please tell me what you believe democracy is, and what you believe a Republic is?

I would really like to know. Because I think you don't understand either of them. All I've heard you say about democracy is that it is a mob rule. And you haven't said what you think a Republic is.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why is it that President Reagan, one of the best Republican presidents ever, not understand that the US was not a democracy?



CallMeAl 3 points ago +3 / -0

But Trump did try to dismantle it. He lobbied hard for it. McCain was the chief one who held it up and prevented it from being dismantled. That is one of the reasons why people detest McCain so much.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmm, that's a very good point. I'll have to do some digging.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok. But how are you going to get people to work under those profit caps? Like I said before, greed is a motivating factor in working in this industry.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

How so? Because I know what a Republic is? And I don't need the Constitution to spell it out for me, because I understand what a Republic is.

Democracy is a concept going back thousands of years and has influenced our civilization more than anything else. It's something that philosophers and political academics have been studying for thousands of years.

But you want to dismiss it as just "mob rule" and that the Constitution doesn't spell it out that a Republic is a type of democracy?

Obviously the writers of the Constitution gave us too much credit and assumed that we would be an educated population.

And why is it that it's only been the last three years that this has been an issue? Like I said before, there are plenty of speeches by Republican presidents calling us a democracy. And telling us how important democracy is. Did some sort of mass awakening happen where we suddenly stopped believing we're a democracy? If so, what exactly occurred to cause that?

You can keep repeating yourself and calling me ignorant all you want. It doesn't strengthen your argument.

Why don't you tell me what you believe democracy is, and what a Republic is and then tell me where you learned about them? Maybe you'll be able to change my mind that way.

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

When did the government get infiltrated by leftists trying to fool people into thinking this is a democracy?

Because before around 2020, Republicans were all for our democracy. There are plenty of speeches from Reagan and both Bushes going,,"Yay for our democracy!!!"

All this "the US isn't a democracy" stuff has only been going on for about 3 years.

CallMeAl 1 point ago +1 / -0

And how do you propose to do that? Seriously, I would like to know. Are you going to try to convince people to not be greedy? Or are we going to have the government make laws capping the amount of profits someone can make and then force people to do those jobs?

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

You can repeat yourself ad nauseam. It doesn't make you right.

Why do you want to continue going around in circles on this? What do you expect to happen?

CallMeAl 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're just repeating yourself now. And my answer still hasn't changed. A Republic is a type of democracy. It's a representative democracy.

I don't need the Constitution to specify that we're a democracy because I know what a Republic is. It's a type of democracy.

I think you believe that democracy is only one thing, mob rule. Which would be called a Direct Democracy. I gave you the link to the USCIS because it has information packets that explain democracies.

If you don't trust a department of the US government to tell you what type of governing system we have, I completely understand.

Try looking up some books that explain the different governing systems around the world. They usually have good info explaining democracies.

Or you could go old school and pick up some books on ancient philosophy and go back to the roots of democracy in ancient Greece and follow how it developed from there. I personally would go this way, because I dig philosophy in general.

Like the other poster here said, it's like saying a Chevy isn't a truck because it's a Chevy.

So if your only argument is that the US Constitution doesn't have the word democracy in it, I think that this conversation has reached its end.

I hope you have a great day.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the question still is, why didn't she and her family pursue this avenue on their own?

Thanks for giving us the information regarding the clinical trials. It helps to have someone who is in the business correct those of us who are just assuming the way things are.

CallMeAl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nicely stated.

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