If you have repented and you truly believe and you have truly received

Then you will let His Holy Spirit guide You until the day you are complete As Jesus said He would

You won’t let that seed land on rocky soil That get tossed out like dross Do you have religion, legalism Or relationship, relationship,
One on one, intimate, personal

You will be the tree that bears good fruit So that in the end we hear “Well done my good and faithful servant” My servant, my friend

Not the tree that bears bad Because a bad tree cannot bear good fruit And produces chaff that just gets tossed, into the fire, that redhot fire

The feet that step on Holy ground Will bring honor to His name As they STAND in readiness And BOLDLY Proclaim, Petition and Praise Power and Authority, In His Almighty name

Stand against sin, complacency and compromise When there is sin, let it cause you duress

And when you stand and act Let it bring reprieve

Then He will Pour out His Spirit Upon His Remnant Army As His Disciples, Soldiers and Saints

You will do greater things than these ALL WHO BELIEVE

as He said He would When we abide in Him And His word remains in us With a childlike faith Then we can say to the mulberry Be planted in the sea Or to this mountain Move from here to there And it will move Whatever we ask in His name He will do He said He’d do When we believe If we just believe

When we seek Wisdom, Discernment, Understanding As He gives freely Then when we see Sin, compromise, complacency We will know, how and what to do We must exhibit the attributes of God Kindness, Mercy, Grace Compassion, Forgiveness

We must show them that we love them But hate the sin Sin cannot be, allowed to win Confusion, Fear, condemnation Are not from God But power, Love and Sound mind But Satan

Let your heart be convicted Eyes unveiled, ears unstopped Dulled mind awakened, awakened And when two or more of us Are gathered in His name He is there, He is there

Do you have your lamps all trimmed And have you got your oil Because He calls to His Bride Remnant To always be prepared

Not get caught, Ill prepared Because the door will get closed To the wedding feast And if you don’t have your lamps trimmed And take up your armor, God’s Whole Armor Be in Service to Him Preaching the gospel of His word Healing the lost, broken and hurting Binding, Rebuking Spirits And commanding them to leave Speaking words as He gives them When others won’t believe His Holy word, His ENTIRE word

Be about His business, don’t let the devil win Lest we hear, “Away from me, I never knew you.” the door slammed in your face.

So don’t sit by, idly Don’t just thing “I don’t need to do anything” I have my faith, I believe

Yes we are saved by works alone Not by might or power But by grace, by His Spirit alone

You can’t say I believe this but not that It’s all His word, It’s a double edged sword Because a faith, without works, is dead Time to live what you claim to believe jWinters ~Celestial Springs~

You don’t know, You can’t see I’m not here to bring you comfort I’m not here to bring repose I’m here to rattle cage And bring the clouded mind unrest I’m here to wake the army That’s been sleeping at the wheel And to stir up the captives Who’ve been held against their will I’m here to bring discomfort To those lullabied to sleep Who’ve succumbed, to the sorcery To rip off the veils, unstop the ears and sharpen minds To rattle all the cages That you’ve been so entwined I came to speak and shout As the Father ordered me to do If you’d just sit up and listen He’s been speaking out to you Listen up!! Hear Him speak Turn your hearts, incline your ear you don’t know, don’t understand Just what he’s done for you If you did, you’d repent Because the truly saved and born again Will not continue on in sin They will make an effort To learn and to grow To get to know Him who Gave it all for you He wants your heart Wants your life Ohhhh You don’t know You don’t see Because if you did you wouldn’t just continue sitting there In your own infancy Not by might not by power But by my Spirit says the Loooorrd By their fruits you will know them We are not saved by our works but by the grace of the Lord But a faith without works is dead jWinters ~Celestial Springs~

You know a heart That’s been broken Won’t continue on in sin A heart that’s been humbled Will draw so close to Him That is all Oh that is all You will know Him when you listen Then you will hear His voice As you draw close into His words And share your heart with Him He calls us to communion And to His heart confer He may speak in a whisper That you just can’t contend If you hear a voice Have a dream or see a vision That speaks something from His word Then you MUST run a test Does it acknowledge Jesus as Messiah And as the Son of God If it is and it does Then it will be of Him If not then it isn’t And it will be inept Because a house that is divided Will not be able to stand It will fall Crumble and fall and tumble to the ground Yes it will crash and burn jWinters ~Celestial Springs~

Are you ready, He is comin back again

Are you ready, Are you ready He is coming back again I throw my hands up high then smash them to the ground Are you listening Are you listening We should all be making sounds My Jesus, is coming back again He’s coming back the way He left My Jesus is comin again Every eye will see Him Every knee will bow, every tongue confess When My Jesus, comes again

So it’s time to Rise Up Don’t be sitting on no fence My Jesus, He is comin With the fields , they are white, for the harrrrvest It’s time to bring in the Remnant Prepare the Remnant church Bride Time to shut down, sin and compromise Cause my Jeeeeesus, He is coming again

We Must bring in the sinners, and lead them to repent Cause a faith, without works is, deeeead Yeah Jesus is comin again

So use your own mess as your message Or the message will be lost Because the seed that lands on rocky soil becomes the chaff that just gets tossed, into eternal fire

This is why we call it a testimooony To reach the heart that is broken Bring in the lost the broken, the hurting Leading them, to Repentance Sharing Faith, Hope and Love

We have a mission and assign To reach our fellow man Lest we hear upon end of final test “Away from me, I never knew you” And That’s not what we want to hear Neither should you, Neither should yooooou

He went to prepare in His mansion There a room, for each of us, for each if uuuuss And So He left, us the Holy Spirit To live inside of us To be the Counselor and Advocate As He molds us and refines us Until the day of completion, Until the time of His return Said He would lead and He would guide us

Said He would abide in us, if we just abide in Him We could ask anything in His name and He would do it In His Holy name In Jesus name, In Jesus name

Because nothing is impossible With God at the wheel And where two or more are gathered In prayer in His holy name , when they agree , He would be there, faithfully

So when we stand, when we agree, take up His armor faithfully, Says Ephesians six: ten through twenty We will see, we can defeat the enemy

Because the battles that we face, they are not flesh and blood but dominion and the powers from a heavenly realm

We know the devil, has his power But we have our authority In Jesus name, Christ Lord our King When we believe, if we just believe

With the faith, of just a tiny mustard seed as Jesus said We can say to this move mountain move form here to there Or to the mulberry go be planted in the sea and they will move, if we believe if we just believe Not by Power nor by might But by My Spirit says the Lord by the Power of blood and is His name , Saved by Grace

When we take up the Helmut of Salvation and the Shield of Faith, the Sword of the Spirit and the Righteousness Breastplate, our Feet fitted firm with boots of Readiness to go and serve, in His name And when we pray on all occasions and for all things We must ask God for boldness and the Courage that we need For Wisdom, Discernment and for Understanding He says that what we ask for, He will give it freely

Because when Jesus comes back for us We MUST be ready Be about His work As His Apostles, Disciples, and Saints As He left for us to do, mighty Works in His name, HIs Holy name When He sent out His Disciples and Apostle And gave them work to do As He gave the Great Commission He said You will do greater things than these, all who believe, as in Mark 16:17 “In the last days,-3 I will pour out my Spirit on all mankind, young and old, men and women, even my servants and they will prophecy” Acts 2:17-21

But you must test every Spirit to be sure that it’s from me Do they claim Jesus as Messiah and as the Son of God When they proclaim, it’s in my name, in the Messiah Son of God then they are sent from me If not, then they aren’t and should not be believed Because a House a church or nation that is divided, it cannot Stand and it will fall

Lord Jesus please Remove the veils and blinder, leaving so many in the dark Convict and soften hardened hearts of stone and replace With a humble heart of flesh Unstop the ears, not hearing, causing much silence So we shall sound the alarm Sharpen minds that are dulled and cause them to Turn, Repent and Believe

For You said, “I did not bring come to bring Peace but a double edged Sword That divided soul and Spirit and Flesh from blood, Joint from marrow, judging thought and attitude of the heart At Your very word We know Your word is true Your every word is alive and true Lord, We answer only to You

You said Heaven and Earth will pass away but My word remains the same Your very word, Stands for ALL ETERNITY So help us do, what You left us here to do Help us be faithful to the end They may imprison and may chain us Sentence many Saints and Disciples to death But You said to never fear For You are with us Yes You are with us And we know that You did not give A Spirit of fear But of Power, Love and Sound Mind

And No weapon formed against us will prosper In Your Holy name Because You said, “I know the plans I have for You, plans to prosper not to harm you” So I know thats what you’ll do

Help us fulfill our duty, that You instructed us to do And You say We would drink poison, it will do us no harm Pick up snakes, do signs and wonders You say that we’d do That we would teach, preach and heal The lost, the blind, the sick, the lame Cast out demons from possessed In Your name, Your Holy naaaaaame In Your name, Innnn Your name

I know You are coming back again In the same way You left So I’ll be about Your business While I await Your return And I see Your face Your loving face Are you ready, Are you ready He is coming back again jWinters.
~Celestial Springs~

IMMEDIATELY!!! (media.greatawakening.win) WWG1WGA
posted ago by Callmejuls ago by Callmejuls
No Power Like His (pandora.app.link)
posted ago by Callmejuls ago by Callmejuls

Another in the fire


Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord




Here is a poem the Lord gave me the first few lines of a few years ago and He just gave me the rest-Perhaps a song? It came pouring out as one.

Make way,

On the higher mountain

Make way,

Oh make way,

For the Lord

O’ Lord, You made a way

When You brought heaven down

You gave Your life

That I would live

So Lord I give

My life to You

And I’ll make a way

For Your return

Use me Lord

To break hardened hearts

So when You return

I’ll wear a crown

Make Your judgement O’ Lord

And wear me down

When I’m wrong

Correct me I pray

Be with me through the fire

Refine and make me new

Lord my life belongs to You

Ready me, to do the work You’d have me do

Lord, show me what to do

Lord, use me as Your beacon

That direct the lost to You

So that in Your time Lord

I’ll climb that mountain high

And make a way

Leading others safely to You



So about these corrupt judges and their evil rulings. Can they really get away with taking everything from President Trump? Isn’t there some legal recourse he can use to stop them? Can they really deny him appeals without tthese insane monetary charges?

Job opening (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Callmejuls ago by Callmejuls

Trump among others wanted to bam TikTok because of the Chinese spyware found to be on it. Now the DemonRat goons are promoting it left and right with TV ads. The first one I saw was for a nursing home exercise group, then there was cooking demos, now I see a nun promoting praying and reaching a “higher power”. Odd there’s no mention of God.

I find this all a bit too convenient to be coinxidence.

No words needes (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by Callmejuls ago by Callmejuls
Protect our borders (media.greatawakening.win) - PAY ATTENTION PATRIOTS SALT -
posted ago by Callmejuls ago by Callmejuls

King Xerxes of Persia enjoyed throwing elaborate banquets

The King’s wife showed disrespect refusing to come to the Kings banquet to be fawned over for her beauty so he divorced her. Search made for new wife.

No mention of God made in Esther but His handprints all over it.

The Jews were all in exile in Persia (modern day Iran)

Esther was an orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai-(Selected for King’s harem in 10th month of seventh year) in a search for new wife for the King) Mordecai instructed her not to tell who her family or nationality was. Hadasha (Esther’s real name)means-New Esther-means revealing of hidden things

Seven King’s Eunuchs Seven High Officials (wise men) Seven maids appointed to Esther (Seven is God’s number)

Esther was given 12 months of beauty treatments.

Haaman (King’s right hand man) plotted King’s death, then later annihilation of all Jews (Jews were in exile in Persia-modern day Iran)

Mordecai was King’s guard at gate- became secret whistleblower of 1)plot to kill King 2)Hamaan’s plot to kill all Jews

Haaman was furious that Mordecai didn’t bow to him at advise of other high officials built 70 ft. gallows for him

Mordecai used a banquet held by Esther to inform King Xerxes of plot to kill him

King Xerxes consults Haaman as too how he should reward the one whom he wished to honor. Haaman (full of pride and selfishness thought the King referred to himself and named elaborate honorary measures. King Xerxes told Haaman to give all of what he had named to Mordecai.

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Haaman learned Modecai was a Jew then conspired officials to go along with a plan to annihilate all of the Jews. Then convinced King Xerxes to pass an edict (law) to kill every Jew and stamp it with his signet ring. They cast lots (equal to tossing a dice today) chose the twelfth month of Adar to carry out this plot. King Xerxes offered blood money to whomever would carry this out. (Today this would be the push to wiped out all Christians, whites, men and any and all who refused to comply and compromise faith moral godly values and freedoms)

Mordecai learned of this plan and told Esther to inform the King that Haaman planned to her all of her people and her family wiped out.
Mordecai tells Esther if she fails to stand up that help will come from elsewhere but her and her family will not be spared. He tells her “Perhaps you were put here for such a time as this”

Esther approached King Xerxes without permission under of penalty of death risking her own life.

Esther held a banquet for the King and Haaman. The king asked what she wished for and offered her up to half the Kingdom. Esther just asked for a follow up banquet the following day where she revealed that Haaman was behind the plot. (Queen Esther opened the King’s eyes to the truth)

The King furiously stormed out and Haaman became terrified realizing his fate plead with Queen Esther for Mercy. An official informed King Xerxes that Haaman had erected a gallows for Mordecai and that other officials were involved in the plot. King Xerxes ordered that Haaman and his ten sons all hang from it.

King Xerxes then signed a new decree (law signed with a signet ring-today’s notary) that the Jews had the right to kill every attacker who attempted to harm or kill their people (from that point forward) and that they could plunder all of their wealth and property. King Xerxes decreed that this was to be carried out on the thirteenth of Adar (12th month) the very day it had been planned for them. 500 officials were then killed in the Citadel of Souza. (Akin to Washington DC) corrupt politicians, media, education, judges etc; (Destruction of all who plotted evil against an entire people)

King Xerxes appointed Mordecai the highest official in the land next to the King. He also decreed that the fourteenth and fifteenth of Adar be declared holiday of Purim to celebrate and have a day of rest from that day forward. On this holiday it was declared mandatory to celebrate every year (passed througb generations) and to share food with each other and give gifts to the poor. Signifying sorrow turned to joy.

Mordecai was esteemed by King Xerxes and all of his people for working for the welfare of all of the Jews. Comparison to (Wikileaks, President Trump, Q, Mike Lindell, anons, etc;)


I’ve often pondered on the extent of truth behind the story/theory about chem trails behind the vapor trails planes put out. We’ve rarely seen any since moving to Southern Missouri three years ago,
We just came home from town and ine caught my eye pretty high up, so I was looking up at it thinking about the same thing when I noticed there were about eight of them some distance apart from each other in all different directions quite high in the sky. As I watched I noticed the planes all moved what seemed to me very slowly and when I was able to see the planes all I could make out was that they were all about the same size, all white, all long and torpedo or rocket shaped. I couldn’t make out any wings but a tail out sideways. I tried to get some pictures showing a few at least at once but was inly able to get one at a time as they were too far apart. Now I’m really thinking there’s got to be something to that story, in which case that’s evil planned against us. So, what can we do about it if this is true? Here’s my forgone conclusion; I will rely in this promise; Isaiah 54:17 no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.


🪢🩸A call from God to His beloved church🩸🪢

👑📖To paraphrase Christ's advice to the Ephesian church in Revelation 2, He says, "Renew your devotion to Me. Go back to the first works. You have left your first love. Renew your earlier devotion to Me." This is a very stern warning: "I will remove your candlestick." He advises them, "Repent. Go back."

👉We must never forget that we are involved in a relationship with a real live Being, and He is not just any being but the One that we are to marry. Would we want to marry someone who could take us or leave us?

That is what happened to these people: 💥They had lost their devotion to the relationship. They still had the doctrines, but their devotion was gone. 💥They did not cherish Him anymore. They did not cherish the relationship, even though they had not walked away from the doctrines. So He says, "Turn. Go back."Revelation 2:4-5.

👉If we love a person, we are glad to be able to consult with them, to consider their desires and opinions. Why? So we can please them. We act on their advice; we do the things that they approve of. In fact, we will even deny ourselves to meet their wishes and abstain from the things that we know that they dislike.

👉It is easy to see why this love is so important, for love is the mainspring of the right kind of works. The people who do not love Christ are working, active, expending their energies on things that they love. Therefore, they do the wrong works.

🩸🪢🩸It's imperative we devote daily time to God in order to form an intimate relationship with Him. We MUST Be intentional about humbly entering into His presence and going alone before His Throne of Grace in complete humility and thanksgiving in intimate worship, prayer, praise, pouring our heart out to Him, and seeking His Will, Way in His Written Word, setting Him as the Crown upon our heads, and Ruler upon the Throne of our temple.🩸🪢🩸

👀🗣🧊As Matthew 24:12 says prophetically, "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."

👑Revelation 2:4-5🕊 ~ "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent."

👑Isaiah 55:6-9🕊 ~ “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."

👑Mathhew 6:33🕊 ~ "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

👑Colossians 3:1-3🕊 ~ "If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God."

👑John 14:15🕊~ "If you love Me, keep My commandments."

👑Luke 21:36🕊 ~ "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."

👑1 Corinthians 6:19-20🕊~ "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."

👑1 John 2:3-6🕊 ~ "Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked."

👑Ephesians 5:20🕊 ~ "giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,"

👑Psalm 63:1🕊 ~ "O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water."

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