I wonder if there was anything other than the territorial information he was talking about, in the folder. It was rather ceremoniously presented, don’t you think? Files on the election? Killary’ s e-mails?
Also, wouldn’t it be cool if this interview was actually one of two, and number two airs without fan fair, so the MSM/DS couldn’t retaliate?
Just thoughts.
Looking back on the three, no, four times that I can remember being REALLY sick in my life, and with the information that has come to light in the last three years or so, I have come to a conclusion. Those four times have been the result of Bioweapon releases.
When my body is fighting an invader and get sick, normally, symptoms are bad for a day or so. I can be stuffy and/or coughy, etc. etc. for up to two weeks after, but energy is there. My energy levels are in a tongue-in-cheek expression, equal to powering a small city. When sick, I usually rely on Nature’s bounty for relief and assistance, yet have taken over-the-counter relief agents periodically when ill. I have even had antibiotics with bacterial infections in the past. Not now. Nature, and only Nature for me, from now on. This is just my choice. You make your own. Anyway, the suppression of symptoms usually helps get through the day, but energy is still there TO get through the day. There have four times when the energy was not there...understatement.
The first time was in 1979, when I was about eight or nine, with what I was told was a very bad case of tonsillitis. I had a fever SO high that I remember at least one night, maybe into the day, it’s foggy, of having massive hallucinations. 1979 was also the release of a bad, toxic series of “vaccines” that resulted in the deaths of many, many younger people and young adults. Mine seemed to have coincided with “tonsillitis”. It may have been, who knows, but evidence having come to light now suggests otherwise. Coincidence, maybe.
The second time from what I remember was around 1994 or 1995. I had a flu that was only likened to the one I had as a child. It knocked me out like nothing else. What was released around that time? A bioweapon.
Now, sure, coincidence? If you are going to accuse me of all sorts of nonsense here, than you may as well stop reading and crawl back under your rock. Look at any of Dr. David Martin’s very informative videos on the Patenting of such bioweapons. Look at the dates. Just turn off your damnable TV and Fakebook crap, and do SOME research for once in your life instead of condemning others for giving a crap about humanity. If you are going to threaten me or insult me, then trust me when I tell you that your threats and insults are about as potent in value as a fart in the wind.
Still here, good. There is hope for you, yet.
Now, the third time was in January of 2020. I was hit by a flu that wasn’t so much difficult in the nasal/sinus aspect, as it was in its energy depletion. The one in 1994 or 1995 sapped me of energy, but not like the one in 2020 did. I was in bed for five days, exhausted for four of them. Still ignorant, and Asleep of what was being unleashed on Humanity for decades, centuries, millennia, I endured this exhaustion and chalked it up to what, I thought then, was strictly a bad flu. We all know, now, what happened in 2020, and we KNOW that was was released was a bioweapon. Released with Intention, Malevolence and Purpose.
Now, the last couple of months have seen me under enormous stress with many huge changes occurring all at once. Of course, my body is depleted and primed for the invasion of a “bug”, as is usually wont to occur. I got sick with “what’s going around”. It started with a small, frequent dry cough just before onset realization, but not productive. Then within a few hours, I was sick with the depletion of Energy that had me passing out. Exhaustion, in SPADES. For twenty-four hours I was unable even to give myself my usual remedies. I was able to drink a sip of water or so, but that was it. I felt like something had squatted deep in my chest. It felt like congestion, but with no runny nose or anything. When sleeping, fitfully I might add, I would suddenly gasp and be unable to draw breath for a few seconds until I coughed, HARD, once. I had to sleep inclined as I couldn’t breath otherwise when the gasps came, and was seriously scared of sleeping flat. My body desperately wanted to expel something, but it couldn’t. It needed help.
Now Nature knows, doesn’t it? Two years ago, it produced one of the best Staghorn Sumach crops I had seen in decades. What’s Sumach good for? Heart Disease, Diabetes and IBS. What do we know from 2020/2021 that resulted in Heart “issues”, hmm? Last year, Wormwood’s crop was incredible. Anti-parasitic, dewormer. This year? Goldenrod, and Horehound were in their magnificent glory. Goldenrod? The “cure” for all the symptoms associated with “hayfever” resulting from Ragweed that grows near it. Horehound...a bitter herb excellent for digestion, and as AN EXPECTORANT. Hot horehound tea with a bit of honey (also a good expectorant, as is ginger, garlic, etc.) was what got me, within about two hours from gasping, to expelling! Yuck, but AWESOME! Clear. Weird. Then, every two hours with my usual suspects of elderberry syrup, homemade HClQ, white pine tincture, ginger/lemon tea, with chaga to start it off, and clove tea to end the day, healing progressed in leaps and bounds. Now I am actually seeing a colour, and I KNOW it is viral, now. We know what THAT means, right?
Now this epiphany of mine to associate my own reaction of massive energy depletion with the bioweapons as opposed to the run-of-the-mill workouts our Immune System get did not occur to me until this afternoon. I think I will now actively be able to associate my own specific reaction of exhaustion with fighting off a bioweapon, as opposed to something not. We KNOW they are releasing them. This bioweapon has its weakness...expectorants. How many people do you know who have had persistent, lingering coughs for weeks, months even. Is everyone using “decongestants”, cough aids, etc, when they should be ENCOURAGING the coughing and expelling, etc.? We have to listen to our bodies. Our instincts. I am very glad that I have a fully functioning Immune System, that has not been depleted from the shenanigans of 2019/2020, or ever with “flu shots”. My system simply needed the right ammunition to give to its army to make war on the invader. Even if your body’s Immune System HAS been depleted from recent events, then it STILL needs the correct ammunition. Listen, really listen to what your body needs. It knows better than anyone else what is needed, and what is not.
Now this is just my story, and my own realizations. It is not “medical advise” nor am I pretending it to be. If you disagree with it, fine. Good for you. If you were affected differently and fought it off differently, congratulations. If you disagree for other reasons, I really don’t care. All I care about here, is providing my own empirical observations and realizations to hopefully help others heal themselves. Our keeping silent, and worse, BEING silenced and not speaking up anyway, about health, and other matters, is part of what has gotten us into the mess the World is in now.
Here is a good start for those wanting more info on Expectorants.
Listen to your body. Trust yourself.
Any help on what I may be doing wrong?
I do crossword puzzles every morning of varying sorts. One word came up today...CABAL! Who would’ve thunk it?! I clicked to see what they would say was the definition, and here is what was stated:
- (noun) A usually secret exclusive organization of individuals gathered for a political purpose. 2 (noun) A secret plot.
- (noun) An identifiable group within the tradition of Discordianism.
- (verb) To engage in the activities of a cabal. wiktionary
Discordianism seems to be what the Cabal is blaming for their Evil actions. Hmmm. Look over “here” for the reasons “Why” of everything, not over “there” at the actions. Discordianism done it! Trying to cover up a millennias-long name stealing tradition, maybe?
Isn’t Discord supposed to be paired with Strife as two of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse? They are starting to announce it themselves. Hmmm.
Now, I usually stay away from Wikipedia and its derivatives due to its bias. However, it seems that words like CABAL are now used commonly enough to be used in a crossword puzzle.
Awakening takes many forms.
Is there a photo of whether Rosalyn Carter got an envelope at the Bush funeral? I know that the spouses (won’t say “wives” ‘cause Big Mike) got the envelopes. Jimmy Carter showed disappointment that he didn’t get one, but with the images I saw, I couldn’t see far enough along on the pew to see if Rosalyn Carter received one. Pence’s wife got one, and she may have opened hers later, ‘cause I didn’t see her opening hers at the time, either.
Genuinely want to know. I’d be nice to have one of the President’s not be implicated with his wife, though.
Sept 20 - Million Person March Sept 22 - Education Over Indoctrination
https://twitter.com/WhatsUpCanadian/status/1703494833632084219?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1703494833632084219%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSfRtrr4b0o&themeRefresh=1
I was walking on the sidewalk the other day doing some errands and I saw this extremely-blue-haired “girl”. My initial thought was “at least she won’t get hit by DEW ripples”. Then I thought what an EXCELLENT opportunity we are missing! Operation Infiltration! Wouldn’t it be awesome if every single Patriot in every single country went and dyed our hair bright, royal blue?! All at the same time? We could hide in plain sight, get told all sorts of intel from the lefty normies, plus avoid getting fried to boot! Change the whole meaning of Project Blue Beam. Sounds like an AWESOME strategy! 😂
Come to think of it, do you think that THIS is what was being talked about with Project “Blue” Beam?