Canadianon777 6 points ago +6 / -0

Agreed. We have to remember that you can't prosecute people for things they have not either done, or for which you don't have sufficient evidence they've done. My guess is that whitehats knew the 2016 election was rigged, and deployed some tech or idea to bypass that rigging, and allow Trump's true numbers in. This is why the DS was so shocked by it, however, they also knew that the DS would never allow the same method to succeed twice, which the whitehats also knew, and understood from the beginning. Knowing that to nail the DS in a way that conforms to, and therefore supports the rule of law, and the validity and value of US / western institutions, they would have to allow it to play out as a sting operation. A sting operation allows the collection of evidence and data that can be not only legally binding and effective in a court of law, to prove decisive, but also enough evidence for the public to understand so that if the courts avoid their responsibilities, it can be leaked and thereby accomplish 2 things at once, exposure of bad actors / deep state plants, AND provide fuel for the mass public awakening by showcasing specific cases of electoral fraud. Pending whitehat VICTORY, this checks the following boxes 1. support the rule of law, and demonstrate it's resilience under extreme pressure. 2. provide an effective contrast with, and superiority to authoritarian / socialist systems 3. achieve mass public awakening, and recruit overwhelming public support 4. defuse and destroy attempted communist takeover of US and by proxy the western democratic world 5. completely reframe the globalist "post nation-state" narrative and reinforce the idea that nation-state democracy is the best form of world order, ie., nullify NWO narratives.

Canadianon777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair point, it's been shocking to see how quickly people just bent and complied, and just how up to their eyeballs in the kool-aid they are. However, for context, Yuri Bezmenov warned us in the 80's that the conflict is measured in generational time-spans, and that demoralized people are often totally resistant to truth and authentic information. Having broken through such programming and woken as many as we have done is a feat not only of great will and effort, but it also may represent innovations in psychological warfare for the whitehats that have made it possible in the first place. Kind of funny to think that memes and the meme war itself may have been dreamed up in some kind of weapons lab in a deep underground complex. Who knows what the details really are, but the main thing is that we press the fight and finish it. We all know now that we must win. There are no other options.