it will be greatly appreciated.




By the very fact you've visited this site.................Your freedom to own a firearm would be taken away. Your freedom to travel outside a specific distance from you home would be curtailed. Your freedom to have your children attend higher education would be cancelled. Your freedom to receive medical attention would be limited. Your freedom to contact certain other people would not be allowed. Your freedom to own a home in a nicer part of your city would be cancelled. Your freedom to own, let alone drive a car would taken away. Your freedom to have access to the internet would be stripped. Your freedom to dine out in finer restaurants limited or gone. Your children would likely be taken from you. Your freedom to use a bank of your choice would be stripped. Your freedom to access your savings would be limited. Your freedom to access your gov't pension would be stripped. Your freedom to travel outside your county would be gone. Your freedom to express your opinion would be cancelled. And if you don't believe that these things and many many more restrictions would be placed upon you, all you need to do is look at China.

By the way, I'm not saying not to post, in fact, I wish everyone would do the opposite and start shouting from the rooftops! I only made this thread to point out exactly what the social credit system will look like, if we allow it to happen.


I believe I understand why this is happening... Hell, they are telling us their plan!

From the least vaccinated country now evolves the most dangerous strain! And it is HIV like, meaning: it affects and destroys the entire immune system. (As Malone, McCullough etc told us would happen to the vaxxed months ago. ie ADE, antibody deficiency enhancement).

Therefore, not only did it evolve because of the dirty unvaxxed but... now there is a convenient reason why the vaxxed are beginning to suffer in ever increasing numbers. (it surely can't be because the jab has been ineffective from the start)

The narrative will now be switched hardline in the coming days to mandatory vaccinations, as in Austria, which was to get people used to the idea in the first place.

And it also conditions people to believe the vax is now more necessary now than ever - to protect the children.

And.... They can also use this to point out (to the vaxxed) the ineffectiveness of Ivermectin, as this has long been the most widely used drug in that part of the world. Way before covid.

So, expect a push for lockdowns world-wide over the coming days and a push for the children to be jabbed. My only wonder is: how many parents may wake up when they find their 'vaxport' will only be valid if their children are vaxxed?




God Bless You.


So, my wife is a cancer survivor. Almost 4 years now cancer free. She went through months of chemo followed by radiation. During her chemo, due to the aggressive nature of her cancer, she was given an option of treatments and the one that was finally decided upon - she was allergic to... After the treatment, for two months she went through a tremendous amount of pain and was extremely ill. It was the most helpless and frightening experience of my life and the most terrifying and painful of hers...To give you an example; her hands swelled to the point that the skin split as it couldn't stretch any further...

Well, through a video I found, I learned some of the patent numbers for what the jabs contain....(as you certainly won't learn through "informed consent.") and wouldn't you know it, the vaccines contain the drug it was determined she was allergic to in the chemo treatment. It is in them to help suppress the immune system.

We printed off the information from the moderna and pfizer websites and she took it to her oncologists. You see, her workplace has mandated that she take the jab or be fired.

She was immediately informed that the jabs do not contain the drug she is allergic to.... WTF! She was told that she was crazy, as there is no need for a "chemo drug to be in them." So, she produced the patents and printed material from the MANUFACTURERS websites proving the drug was in fact an integral part of the jab and warning that someone in her situation might be endangered by it.

The doctors took the printed info from her and retreated to a back room. One hour later they returned and told her that the government guidelines they are instructed to follow say that they cannot give her a medical exemption until after she takes the first jab, and they are able to see what her reaction will be!

She immediately said, "The reaction might be my death!"

Didn't matter... she was told the guidelines had to be followed.

End result: no exemption, no sympathy, no empathy, no intelligent decision making by the professionals entrusted with her health, no job and no F___ING JAB!




Thanks in advance.

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