Hi All, So this is my first post on here however I've been checking this for the past year and I've been very impressed with the content. Thank you moderators and the peeps.
To make a long story short, I believe when Q Post (847 & 765) (Link: https://qposts.online/?q=Watch+the+Water&s=keyword)
And also the post from Simon Parks, Q I believe is talking about the (LHC) Large Hadron Collider that is currently running in the HQ of CERN located on the border between Switzerland & France.
Also confirmed by a website called exposingstanism.org. Here is the link to the article: https://www.exposingsatanism.org/cern-collider-opening-the-gates-of-hell/.
I believe the Water is the LHC which the bad guys are trying to use this to get the key to the universe and free Satin or the Evils of the world from pandora's box or another entity called "Shiva". Note: I don't know much about Shiva so feel free to let us know.
With this the LHC is always running unless it's down for maintenance. I believe the Schumann Resonance is telling us when this portal or particles are being collided against and in turn this is showing us the Jesus Christ will awakening and will return right at the exact time.
Like that this could be a long shot but I couldn't find any damaged dams near CERN and the only other thing was the LHC. Also I believe Gorges Dam will break before the LHC.
However I do think the White Hats have an eye on CERN and know this plan.
Yeah feel free to add to this and I hope this doesn't qualify as "dooming". Sorry if it does.