Discussing the infiltration of our academia and government by the CHINESE is far easier to discuss because we can refer to the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY specifically, rather than making inaccurate and sweeping generalizations about all Chinese people.

It's difficult to red-pill people when they ask questions about the elephant in the room because any honest response that named the Jew will just makes patriots look like Nazis.

Jews blatantly dominate control over our mainstream media, Hollywood, the Democrat Party leaders and Joe Biden's cabinet and they are clearly all coordinating their attacks.

Is there a more accurate word we can use to name this group, other than generalizing by calling them all Jews and then pissing a LOT of people off and driving most people away from being red-pilled?

They are all Jews, but there must be a better, more specific term to describe them that doesn't sabotage people's understanding of who these people are by pretending they are something they aren't?

We need people to focus on Adam Schiff and Jeffrey Epstein's connections to Mossad, research the Epstein Island synagogue, be honest about Jews owning Reddit and Facebook and Alphabet and YouTube, refugees and the Kalergi Plan, who the Bolsheviks and the German Communist Party truly were AND be honest about all the connections between this tribe.

I don't believe we can just refer to all of these Jews as communists or globalists because that censors the truth about who they are end discourages people to find the true connection between all of these Jews and perhaps which agent is coordinating all of these Jews. Is that agent also Jewish? What's really going on?

Do we know if they are all one specific Jewish bloodline? Are they all Jewish Freemasons or Khazarian Jews or Kabbalah Jews?
