Hey all.

Like many I own shares of Gamestop. Some time ago it was revealed that if you own your shares through an investment company they may lend out your shares without your knowledge which only helps shortsellers, or any other matter of general ****ery.

As such it’s recommended to own your shares directly through DRS or Computershare. This way your shares are yours and you’re more likely to take part in any MOASS rather than getting an apology letter from your investment after the MOASS letting you know they sold your shares due to “risk”, “White supremacy” or any other matter of excuse they’ll use.

I directly own my shares through computer share and just today got a letter telling me I had to make contact with them or by state law they’d turn over my account to unclaimed property. It was an easy matter of calling the number and inputting the control number on the letter and confirming my zip code and first three of my ssn.

Still annoyed that it only takes 18 months before it gets like this though. If you DRS’d your shares (in anything) be sure your account is still “in contact” so you don’t lose your shares!

Prayers needed once again 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by CaptainThiefDotWin ago by CaptainThiefDotWin

Hey all!

I not too long ago made a prayer thread for my sister who had stage 4 cancer. She was not doing super good then and I asked for your prayers and I really believe they helped. She got better (less of a scary situation), but now she's back to being on the ropes again. The cancer has moved into her brain and they're keeping her at the hospital overnight. Our Mom is keeping watch over her, but it would ease me so much if I could get prayers for my sister's recovery again. In fact, flat out cured of cancer completely!

I hope not to make this board more dour with a prayer thread, but I really need the help! God's help!

Thank you!


tl;dr Just wondering if anyone knows about possible ways to clear vax clots.

Unfortunately starting about 3 weeks ago I started to feel some chest pain whenever I went upstairs or did anything too intensely. I've been down this road before and the Pauling Therapy (L-Lysine + vitamin C, 6000mg each per day) has helped like it did a few years ago. I started to have milder and milder chest pain to chest pressure no matter what I did (I wasn't testing the limits either, just happens to be what I needed to do at the time).

However, my sister revealed to me that lately she's been feeling like someone's sitting on her chest at times and tonight when I had another unexpected bit of chest pain from going up the stairs twice (so more than usual, but not more than what I was able to do the past few days without any pain or pressure) it got me thinking about what if I'm getting vax clots from shedding.

I'm not vaxxed, and none of my family are, but unfortunately my sister is still very sick and is in and out of hospital for cancer treatments all the time. I've been with her to the hospital, though the chaffeur of choice is our Mom whose handling most/all of the hospital stuff. My sisters doctors are aware of her complaints, but an echocardiogram didn't find anything and they want to check with a heart MRI but her insurance is slow-walking that for another 3 weeks or so :/

I pray for my sister's health (and definitely definitely appreciate any prayers from you guys!), I'm just worried it might possibly be vax clots. What can we take to get rid of those? They looked rubbery and very hard to destroy to me in the autopsies. We're both taking 1000mg of NAC per day with a slice of pineapple (let me know if way more bromein is needed).

I've been to a doctor about my heart before, and it wasn't much help. A quick diagnosis that I'd have to be on statins (no thank you) or vegetarian for the rest of my life and I was then willing to try the above Pauling therapy. I think if I see them again I'd get another $2000 (out of my pocket) echocardiogram and more of what they already told me. We are 37 and 36 so it's close to old enough to start experiencing heart problems, but it's still questionable.

I understand that whatever is replied is not officially medical advice and I take my own chances with anything suggested that I then decide to act upon.

Thank you!


No cavities here, but some have affected family members.

There’s a lot I have to read about with chemicals that are supposed to be for tooth protection, but have negative side effects (fluoride, etc). I came across a recommendation that one can heal their teeth with a rinse of 1:9:50 of sodium tripolysulfate:baking soda: water, but I’m not sure. At most I found links to pubmed of it maybe whitening your teeth at best.

The conventional wisdom I keep hearing is that there’s no way to ever heal cavities, but I’m thinking that may not be true.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!


Sorry for the bad spelling in the title, I literally cannot remember what it was called, but someone pointed out that every seven years in September something has been occurring that causes a market downturn?

2001: September 11th happened, market downturn 2008: The home loan margin call / financial bubble pop, market downturn 2015: Don't remember this one too well, but apparently something happened here too. And now it's September again, seven years later and I guess it's supposed to be the 7th cycle of a 7-year event so it's going to be even bigger?

This is purely a post asking if anyone knows more. I saw a post somewhere on this and now I just can't find it anymore.



Hey all,

Just a quick rundown, but unfortunately my sister was diagnosed with an aggressive leiomyosarcoma cancer a few years back. She had been off an on several chemos when some seemed to work and then would gradually stop working. This year they put her on a chemo that was very strong, so strong that one dose sent her to the ER... twice!

We can't always judge how our family members with cancer react to things or what they will or won't do, but after enough time on chemo, the throwing up and the misery she decided it's probably better to just die that stay on it, which is a very hard thing to take.

Thankfully though, we discovered my cancer story dot rocks and followed the protocol and it seemed to be making progress, I could only hear second hand from her that her doctor felt the cancer was then in remission and possibly shrinking. Then the above super-chemo was implemented and it felt like the fenbendazole treatment stopped working after that? I'm confused about it, though my sis kinda took a fatalistic attitude to it that her cancer learned how to survive through Fenbendazole.

So here we are today, a few months later and still having done Fenbendazole (heck, Ivermectin and HCQ too!) three times a week, but unfortunately where they needled her back to get a lung tissue sample has been hurting more and more and more lately. Her required pain meds just keep increasing and she's now in the hospital with a morphine drip. I'm really hopeful she'll come home some time in the week but as bad as the cancer is, I want to know if there's anything we can do about the pain. I'm not even sure what's causing it... can cancer grow into nerve endings and just cause relentless pain spikes?

I had heard from here about treating pain, back pain, broken bone pain and nerve pain with with Comphrey, which I ordered and it even got here Tuesday, just in time for me to get super sick with something and unable to help her apply it. I'm looking to rub comphrey where her back is hurting when I can, but... well, I feel at a loss. Is there anything else we can do?

If you don't want to give direct medical advice, that's fine. You can just say what you would do if it were your situation.

Thank you friends!


Looking to order some Ivermectin, and this site was recommended to me, but just wanted to be sure that anyone that's ordered through them got their order, etc.



Hey all!

Just a quick question, but I have a family member who would stand to benefit from Ivermectin, but their only concern is they have high blood pressure at the moment. Is there any danger to using Ivermectin if one has high blood pressure?

I understand that responses to this topic do not constitute medical advice, etc. I just want to know. From what I've seen Ivermectin's been great with no side effects (other than sometimes diarrhea and in my case ringing ears for a hour)



Just found out my 70ish father has stage 3 kidney disease. There are some things I’m finding online, but they tend to be vague “improve your lifestyle” and “see a doctor” type suggestions. We’re kinda avoiding hospitals for understandable reasons, but I want to know if there’s anything we’re not being told because of the stranglehold pharma has on medical recommendations. He is seeing his (trusted) doctor though.

Note: Nothing in this topic is to be taken as direct medical advice, but I want to know anything else that can be done.


People like you also bought: (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by CaptainThiefDotWin ago by CaptainThiefDotWin

I just did a search and didn't see a lot of topics discussing shedding AND ivermectin, so I was just curious...

If I suspect that I (unvaxxed) have taken in shedded spike proteins from a vaxxed person, can I get rid of said spike proteins with ivermectin or any other sort of recommended treatment?



Hey all!

I’m doing some research but I really appeciate your input.

I work for a state agency and my state/governor cucked on the vax so they’re implementing a requirement to either take the death shot and post proof to a database or undergo twice weekly testing for coof.

However, first they need to know everyone’s vax status (which is also where you upload vax proof) and the deadline to do that is fast approaching.

I was curious if this is protected info by HIPAA or anything, but when I duckduckgo’d about it of course all I get are msm articles saying “of course your employer can ask that… btw the vax is safe and effective! Get vaxxed because we want you dead and or sterile” so all I found was talk by proven liars.

I’m kinda conflicted, as I don’t want to cede an inch and let them know my status. I will NOT take the clot shot ever and the testing looks unnecessary and poisonous as the spikey “swabs” they tend to use are covered in a carcinogen and also have moving black threads in them? I get the feeling the testing is how they want to kill you if you avoid the vax.

I’m just not 100% sure where my rights are. Do I HAVE to tell them my status? If I do and get terminated for refusing the testing do I lose any legal standing for grounds to sue on or is it the opposite and I lose standing if I don’t tell them because they can legally ask but can’t legally force the testing (which I read is Emergency Use Authorized)?

Trying not to dox myself, so if different states have different answers, that’d be good to know.

In any case, I’m resolved that I’ll probably be terminated over this and will need to look for new employment, but I won’t cede anything without a fight.



Checked the local feed store, none.

Checked the website known for supplying tractors, also none.

Every online resource (tbf I only went through 3-4) for locating 1.78% Ivermectin paste is just... gone.

I got some in the mail, but hot dang does this A. Confirm this actually works & B. Tells me things are beginning to heat up.