Could this be related to the vax in any way?


Never in my life have I seen this many articles in a short timespan where a young person died of natural causes. 37 year olds don’t die of natural causes. It’s as if the media is now saturated with these stories to normalize something that is clearly unnatural.



And she is refusing to connect the dots. I just feel so sorry for my friends and family who choose to live in the dark.

Edited to add: She is also complaining that it is WORSE and more painful than last time.

There are moms who are hesitant when it comes to jabbing their kids. This one particular mom (she’s a teacher who acts like a no-it-all) is always acknowledging their fears and comes back with a hard sell—as if she’s personally invested in their taking the jab. This is her typical response. Can anyone help with a rebuttal to this. She has convinced SO MANY moms to get their kids jabbed because she sounds so convincing.

Her response:

This is one of the most studied vaccines of all time. The length of clinical trials is not due to studying safety and efficacy (that’s part of clinical trials but not why they take as long as they do.) Vaccines do not have long term effects (meaning we find out 2 years later something was done.) In the history of vaccines we have not had any long term effects found outside of 2 months after a vaccine has been given (due to the way they/immune systems work.) Vaccines are different than medications (where we can see long term effects.) Medications change some part of our physiology to get the desired outcome- reduce blood sugar, lower blood pressure, lower stomach acid, etc. Vaccines do not work in that way. Our body is introduced to pathogen part (someway-mRNA, live vaccine, virus piece via protein, etc) and an immune response is produced. The vaccine is broke down and eliminated (but not the way medication is) and the immune system has completed its response between 6-8 weeks. There have been some reports of myocarditis in the mRNA vaccines. This is INCREDIBLY rare. This is caused by the immune response and not the actual vaccine. Myocarditis caused by a vaccine is different than myocarditis caused my covid (or other viruses.) It is typically much more mild. I believe all the ones in the 5-11 age group (I think there were either 9 or 11 cases out of 8.5 million kids vaccinated) were completely cleared up. There have been cases of myocarditis associated with other vaccines we have received as well (again because this is due to the immune response.) Do these (or any vaccine) come with a risk? Yes… everything does. You just have to weigh out the risk for you and your family. For me, personally, the virus was much more of a risk. Not necessarily death in children. But long covid, MIS-C, they are finding decreased sperm count/motility…these are things we don’t know the long term consequences of.