1 Samuel 8 Samuel told all the words of the LORD to the people who were asking him for a king. 11 He said, "This is what the king who will reign over you will do: He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. 12 Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. 15 He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. 16 Your menservants and maidservants and the best of your cattle [2] and donkeys he will take for his own use. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. 18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day." 19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. "No!" they said. "We want a king over us.
"Gasp! How can you be against making medical break throughs?!" you scream.
No, I am in favor of medical break throughs, and that is why I believe this is what must be done.
In the past year, we have seen Ivermectin annihilate Covid in Uttar Pradesh and Indonesia in about a month's time (combined population, about 530 million). Yet, we see those who are FUNDED be the ones that do all in their power to keep this medicine from the people. They are not ignorant of the success of Ivermectin elsewhere. They KNOW it is successful, and THAT IS EXACTLY WHY THEY WISH TO KEEP IT FROM US.
The problem is not small, it is WHO, NIH, CDA, and thousands of hospital administrators, doctors, and pharmacies across the country that are connected to the money are are compromised. Do you really think Covid is one of the rare diseases where the medical industry seeks to keep the cures from the people?
Funding "medical research" for those mentioned seems to mean "We will give you this money if you keep any breakthroughs from ever seeing the day of light."
Think of all the cancer research fundraisers we have all participated in over the decades (think pink ribbon), think March of Dimes. Yet nothing ever changes. Cancer patients continue to get surgery, radiation, and chemo. Those with MS still end up in wheelchairs. Those with Alzheimer's still lose their cognitive abilities. Those with diabetes continue to inject themselves with insulin.
Can anyone really say we've seen any meaningful medical breakthroughs in recent decades?
I pray to God that those keeping the cures from the world get the most severe punishments ever, and then funding for medical research can finally become meaningful.
I know it sounds crazy, especially since there are dead people involved. Those deaths would have to be faked, if this was part of the show which is hard to believe. Yet, the whole thing just seems too perfect.
Kyle shows up to riot helping the injured and giving out water.
Police are on video stating they appreciate his presence there.
Kyle's attackers attempted assaults and his acts of self defense are all caught on camera.
Kyle shot a theif in the hand, a pedophile in the dick. (can't remember the 3rd one. Killed a murder?)
Kyle's attacker is later recorded saying "he wishes he killed Kyle when he was on the ground.
FBI destroys video evidence for the trial, although all the world has already seen it.
Just reminds me of various other occurrences in the past year where the evidence is just too darn perfect, as if someone were trying to wake someone up.
We know eventually the world will become aware of the crimes and evils of the Deep State.
Our history is filled with many evil people who we remember as good and greatly honor.
I'm not saying these are or are not such people, but for example, suppose Billy Graham, Mother Teresa, Walt Disney, FDR, and John Lennon were child raping 33rd degree masons. Should the truth of these people finally be revealed, or should we continue keeping the false legacies in place?
Although secret societies and Free Masons, had existed for many years already, Adam Weishaupt is considered the father of the illuminati as he brought a new demented mission and centralization to this secret society.
In 1770, he began began to write the "Core Plan" for realizing the world revolution, which he officially completed on May 1, 1776. The core plan was to "Destroy all existing governments and religions". The "Core Project" of the Illumanti organization is the direct precursor of modern communism and the Communist Party.
The civilization of mankind for thousands of years is the bondage that people cannot obtain happiness, which is wrong.
Abolition of all dynasties and governments
Abolition all religious beliefs
Abolition of private property.
Abolition of inheritance
Abolition of patriotism and promote internationalism.
Abolition of the family
Establish a world government that is dictated by the Illuminati and has no moral beliefs.
Look familiar?
I came down with a nasty virus, probably covid. I'm planning to get some Ivermectin. Seems all the Ivermectin for humans will have to get shipped from India, so I'm thinking of just going ahead with the tube for horses.
Does anyone know how much to take once it arrives?
Does anyone else remember how crazy Hollywood and MSM went about the Passion of the Christ, calling it an semantic movie?
Looking back, what do you believe the cause of their hatred towards this movie were?
I believe part of the reason the white hats are allowing the world to go through this covid tyranny, is that we all get the stomach (if not the appetite) for what's going to happen to people in the deep state.
I believe there is going to be a reckoning like one this country has never seen before. Everyone would be in favor of executing child killers, but I imagine many people would get soft when it comes to selling trades to China or stealing elections. I'm pretty sure the white hats in the military do not feel that way. So here is my best guess of how many executions we could be looking at:
Crimes against children: It's impossible to know how many people are involved in the "missing children" industry. It must be in the thousands though. There would be those who capture the kids, those who at least briefly house and feed them, the sex clients, organ transplant specialists, body disposal. There must be thousands and thousands of people involved in this industry.
Treason: It will be harder to make the case for treason those who gave secrets to China. If it is revealed Covid and its response was all a Chinese plot, we will be looking at a lot of hanging politicians, bureaucrats, military officers, and college professors. Many of these acts of treason would have require many involved (think 9/11).
Although there are certainly tens of thousands involved in election theft, I personally believe only a dozen or two at the top will get the needle for this.
Death agents of the medical industry. We have now seen how big pharma and the hospital system in the world are working in unison to stop cures of Covid and are forcing the untested vaccine. This is clearly not the first time they have done this. Now is only the first time they are clearly getting caught. My guess is there would be 500 to 2500 medical officials who may be executed for deliberately killing their patients.
False Flags and FBI: Whenever there is an act of mass killing, there is always an FBI agent nearby. As these agents have been bestowed with the greatest trust, I believe any who were involved in these FF's will pay the ultimate price.
Media\propagandists. Project Mockingbird will be the defense for the tens of thousands in the media. "I was just reading talking points I was getting every day." This will probably work for the low end broadcasters, but will not stand if it is proved that those in the media were part of orchestrating events such as 9/11 and the Covid panic and the response.
We know that the CDC has been greatly inflating Covid numbers by misclassifying flu cases.
We know that Ivermectin has essentially removed Covid from the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh in a matter of months after distribution of Ivermectin.
So now I'm wondering, did India have a large number of seasonal flu cases like USA? Were those cases also misidentified? If so, then this anti-parasitic would also be a wonder cure for one of the most common illnesses. No more flu vaccines!
For years, our community have been called "kooks," "tin foil hat wearers," "conspiracy theory believers."
With the endless efforts of the establishment in trying to discredit us, our numbers should be whittled away, and all of our claims should be slowly disproved. Let's review some of the things we have been saying for years:
- The world is run by pedophiles. PizzaGate is real.
Of course, the media came down hard on this claim. Back in 2016, many of us were talking about Jeffrey Epstein and his creepy island. Today, most people are aware of the name of Jeffrey Epstein, and various elites such as Bill Gates have had to explain their relationship with him. Prince Andrews has been disgraced for his relationship with Epstein and has been served papers. Dozens of co-conspirators of Ghislaine Maxwell are about to be revealed.
- The FBI is a corrupt agency and is probably behind most acts of terrors in USA.
The public's perception of the FBI in the past 4 years has been unprecedented. Forever, the FBI has has a sense of awe and respect. Not even Sean Hannity's endless drivel about the wonderful 99% file and rank has been able to huge shift in the FBI's perception. Many in the public are aware of the FBI ignoring Hunter's notebook and infiltrating and impersonating Patriots on January 6. Barely any patriots would show up to the Sep 18 rally, because they feared it was a set up by FBI scum. The name FBI will go down history like SS and Gestapo.
- The election was stolen, and Trump will return.
After "Biden's inauguration," GA was visited heavily by shills. It couldn't be a total victory until the optimistic "brain washed" Q followers faced their reality. "No problem. In a few months, they'll be brought down to earth. We'll be back to gloat." Never could they predict the excitement and hopium there would be here 8 months later. Soon, these shills will have to realize the impossible happened--that we were right.
- The establishment works together and is our enemy.
Not even the anons knew how big the swamp was. Maybe we assumed it was all politicians and top CEOs. Whoever would have realized that virtually all administrators in small town hospitals around the world are part of them? Now the world is realizing the politicians, the medical industry, the corporations, and the MSM speak in one voice, and that voice tells endless lies.
- The cure for Covid was cheap off the shelves ant-parasitics.
Trump and a few doctors briefly tried to promote the use of HCQ for curing Covid and were attacked and silenced by the MSM and the medical industry. In response, Q said "if we can't show them we will have to show them." As the vaccine became released in late 2020, it seemed like Q was finally going to be proved wrong. Now, ten months after the greatly celebrated vaccine has been released, we are realizing the medical industry's expertise have been 100% wrong about ending Covid. Highly vaccinated Israel remains a hotspot and will soon begin administrating a 4th jab to their population. Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh (population 240 million) has eradicated Covid by providing anti-parasitic to its people.
The world is currently split into the ant-vax people and the vaxxed. Soon the "vaxxed" may become the very anti-vax as its effects begin to manifest.
The changing of people's mindsets is a much slower process than any of has ever imagined it would be. But all the trends are proving we were right all along. Who knows what the world will be like in a year.
The best is yet to come!
maybe I'm dumb, but I have no idea.
As you may or may not know, those in the illuminati fancy they are decedents of the Biblical race of giants known as the Nephilim. This is the reason why you will see them artist's portrayals of some of them (like Obama) with six fingers.
I realize the Book of Enoch is not considered canon in any sect or denomination, yet it might give more clues of how this race is portrayed, and probably influenced some Jewish beliefs as well. From my understanding, the Book of Enoch is an ancient Hebrew text dating back to about 300 BC.
According to the book of Enoch, they ate humans:
"And they conceived from them and bore to them great giants. And the giants begot Nephilim, and to the Nephilim were born Elioud. And they were growing in accordance with their greatness. 3 They were devouring the labor of all the sons of men,a and men were not able to supply them. 4/ And the giants began to kill men and to devour them. 5/ And they began to sin against the birds and beasts and creeping things and the fish, and to devour one another’s flesh. And they drank the blood."
If members of the Deep State cult, feel a connection to this race, would they also try to imitate their eating habits?
I heard someone mention that there may be a number of people who are declared "deceased" who instead have been whisked away into a witness protection program, waiting to testify against crimes against the deep state.
If the White Hats are competent, my guess is many are.
We know that about 10 out of 11 of the NY cops that saw Clinton's hard drive contents have "committed suicide." Are they really so incompetent to let all those witnesses get taken out like this? My guess is they are not.
Who else might be alive and how long could the patriots have been taking people away into the WPP? We know Epstein didn't kill himself. Lin Wood said he's alive. Is he in WPP?
We know Q said Seth Rich is not alive. Hope it's one of those cases of "misinformation is necessary, or he's not alive under that name any more."
What about the Seal 7? Avicci? Ashli Babbit? Capitol Police? Kobe Bryant? Brian Walker? Isaac Kappy?
Loretta Fuddy who was last seen alive floating in the ocean next to the diver sneaking up behind her?
There would be nothing more "Biblical" than "the dead" being back alive again.
What do you think. A possibility for some of these people?
Those with the health issues associated with the Vax, tend to have received a jab in April or later.
People who have received the Vax, tend to have a short temper and will snap at you quickly.
Am I alone here, or has anyone else noticed this?
Ron DeSantis, Larry Elder, Ted Cruz. Senator Blackburn, "the most conservative" senator made a bill to show support for the vaccine. Even DJT called the vaccine "good."
I'm not aware of any mainstream conservative TV or radio hosts that are not pro-vaccine. As being interviewed, they try to sound so rational while still being pro-freedom. They all say "I am pro-vaccine but anti-mandate."
Here's what we know about the "vaccine" as of now.
It does not prevent infection or passing Covid. Many areas still require the vaccinated to wear masks to protect themselves and the unvaccinated.
Israel, the "leader" in vaccination is now on their 3rd mandated shot and preparing for the fourth.
The Internet is filled with tens of thousands of anecdotes by those who have been horribly medically effected by "the jab." (blood clots, seziures, foggy thinking, enlarged hearts, migraines, death)
Indian state Uttar Pradesh, population 240 million, has eradicated Covid with Ivermectin , while neighboring Kerala, "pro-vaccine" state has Covid cases sky rocketing still.
Why is there not a single Republican out there who's not wishing to scream the obvious--The Emperor Has No Clothes!!
It is a typical evening in a typical suburban community. At the residence of physician Bill Stockton, he enjoys a birthday party being thrown for him by his wife Grace and their son Paul. Also at the party are Jerry Harlowe, Bill's brother-in-law; Frank Henderson and Marty Weiss, Bill and Jerry's former roommates; and the wives and children of Jerry, Frank, and Marty. Bill is well known and liked by this gathering; he attended the State University with Marty, Frank, and Jerry. Moreover, Bill has repeatedly administered to the health and well-being of each one of said guests and/or delivered their children. Everyone is especially friendly and jovial, even when mention is made of Bill's late-night work on a fallout shelter which he has built in his basement. Suddenly, a Civil Defense (CONELRAD) announcement overheard by young Paul is made that unidentified objects have been detected heading for the United States. In these times, everybody knows what that means: nuclear attack.
As panic ensues, the doctor locks himself and his family into his shelter. The same gathering of friends becomes hysterical and now wants to occupy the shelter. All of the previous cordiality is now replaced with soaring desperation; pent-up hostility, searing nativism, and other suppressed emotions boil to the surface. Stockton offers his basement to the guests, but the shelter itself has sufficient air, provisions, and space for only three people (the Stocktons themselves). The once-friendly neighbors do not accept this; they break down the shelter door with an improvised battering ram. Just then, a final Civil Defense broadcast announces that the objects have been identified as harmless satellites and that no danger is present. The neighbors apologize for their behavior; yet Stockton wonders if they have destroyed each other without a bomb.
Like in The Bunker, In this moment, we are seeing the true nature of those we have spent many hours with before. Under panic, people are willing to accept segregation, wrongful terminations, violating ones right to their body and their medical privacy. We are seeing police obey unlawful orders, and colleagues we have known our lives willing to impose cruel mandates.
6% of the Internet's IP addresses left the Pentagon minutes before Trump left the Pentagon and went to an unknown company in Florida. They have now returned to the Pentagon.
The inflation ball started rolling in 2020 by giving Covid unemployment checks to millions of American, but giving all the blame to Biden. Now these checks are stopped as scheduled to start a reversal. If this is a show, everything under Biden must be a disaster, and Trump must be shown as the solution.
Jill Biden has announced she is returning to working in a classroom.
The vaccine mandates certainly seem to signal we are reaching the promised "precipice." (On Sep 21, 2018) Q said "We are at the PRECIPICE.")
Trump asked the country to pray for 21 days. Such an odd number of days to request. A past Q post said "Within the next 21 DAYS BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place." Related?
In August Mike Lindell was asked if Trump would still become President that month. He replied with something like "That was being optimistic. I might have been a month off."
The Maricopa audit report is pending. Yes, it has been for six months, but those involved are now saying it's just a matter of days until it is released.
Maricopa County Attorney take leave of absence just as Audit is delivered to Arizona Senate."
Fencing is being put around the White House again. (prepping for rioting from very angry liberals?)
My prediction is that Elder will get a lot more votes in CA but will be a repeat of the 2020 election. It will again be obvious.
Many people, even here, are really hoping "Well, maybe this time they will cheat less!"
Has anything changed? No. Then he does not stand a chance of winning. But do not despair. If the Patriots were prepared for to record the fraud in 2020, they'll be more ready now. Watch CA.
Or was it the first opening a "sealed indictment?"
I believe Q said it was "Shock the World" "Cause a Great Awakening" "Unite the World." Here's a few spectulations:
Bill Gates: What if it's learned Gates was behind Covid and making deadly vaccines?
Dr. Fauci: Same as point 1.
Osama Bin Laden: There is a lot of evidence OBL was not killed in Pakistan. Was he long dead before then or will he be in the hands of USA for real at last?
Jeffrey Epstein: We know he didn't kill himself. Maybe he's not even dead. Lin Wood said he's still alive.
George W Bush: after confessing on video of being part of the conspiracy to cause 9/11 attacks.
George Floyd: Damn. Imagine if that dude's death was a fake. Remember his funeral with the guys dancing around with his coffin as if it were as light as a feather?
Those are the ones I can think of. Your ideas?
We have been told we are watching a movie, and this really has been the absolute most unpredictable script ever written. Yet, I believe there have been a few instances of deliberate foreshadowing of the future of the vaccine:
Pelosi getting the jab with the syringe obviously not pushed down.
Biden saying to Don Lemon with shock "Oh.. You got it? Are you ok?"
The White House admitting their staff is not vaccinated. Why not just lie?
I believe one way or another Pelosi and Biden are controlled.
I suppose the vaccine story end could end with the sentence of "after all that drama, the vaccine zombies were proved right and their smugness and their trust in the government grew even greater. The End."
But we know the goal of this "movie" is for the opposite--to wake people up.
This is why I think we'll see the chapter of "Vaccine gone bad." I have no idea how this will happen or who the messenger of this will be (although I have a feeling it could start in early 2022.
The vaccine's greatest advocates are those who are terrified yet smug and trusting of the government. What if all of the bullshit in the Mockingbird suddenly starts going the other way. Instead of screaming "Covid will kill you" it begins screaming "The vaccine will kill you!"
Many of them might actually begin doing some research of their own for the first time in history.
Your thoughts? A possibility?
we in USA have seen how sending out unemployment dollars to millions has added to inflation.
Now imagine what happens when we remove the deep state parasites from the world's economy!
House of Saud: $4 Trillion. Rothschild: $2 Trillion. Soros: $1 Trillion
Now think of the all the other billionaire parasites that do absolutely nothing for this world except create pain!
I can't remember what the last count for sealed indictments currently are. 200,000 people?
Now imagine a world without these maggots, and the only resources going towards them will be incarceration or cremation services.
The best is yet to come!