It's really appears that DeSantis has been planning to run for President with the blessing of the establishment.

My guess is that he would have announced his plans to run in early 2023 or even late 2022 to ensure starting before Trump. There would have been endless stories about the excitement behind the "DeSantis train." When asked why he was running, he would say something like "so many people have asked me to run for the better of our country." When asked about DJT, he would act dumb and say something like "Well, he has not said he is running. I just want to do this for our country"

When Trump finally announced his run for President again, the MSM would portray DJT being a spoiler who was jealous of Ron's popularity. Now any possibility of that is gone.

If Ron files to run as President, it will either be transmitting the message that he disapproves of DJT or that he is running for President for his own ego. It really will not be a good look.

Ron's message will be that he will get a lot more votes than Trump. Trump will continue to draw huge crowds, while Ron's will be small to moderate sized. DJT will seize on this and mock the size of Ron's crowd's. You can just imagine him in a Rally "DeSanctimonious thinks he is going to bring in so many votes! Have you seen the size of his crowds? He can't even fill a stadium. Wow! I thought Joe had small rallies..."

In any case, as disappointing Nov 15 was for us hoping for DS hanging by ropes, it probably was the best move for Trump politically at the time.

(edit..2 nights ago. I started writing this yesterday, and didn't remember what I titled this)


Last time I remember was the departing speech in January 2021, but I could be wrong.

Maybe he talks in front of a bunch of flags at rallies and I haven't noticed?

Does anyone recall?


Q has told us many times what it will be that brings down the house--"Declas."

It seemed often he was talking about RussiaGate Declass, and I thought "nobody would care about that. Not even Republicans now."

No, not declas of Russia Gate. Declas of everything:

9/11 Covid Child Sacrifices How the D and R and parties work together. How the right and left talking heads work together. School Shootings Confessions from Bushes, McCain, etc. January 6

He would have a flood of video and documents released on Twitter. The 18+ footage would be released on Truth Social.

There has be a really escalating theme in recent days from Trump (Q is legit. I am Q+. Q is legit. I am Q+. Q is legit. I am Q+). I really cannot imagine this trend reversing.

Lin Wood said the big announcement would be "Trump buys CNN." I thought that was the dumbest announcement ever. But it would not be if it was used for this moment--to reveal the crimes of the DS 24\7.

Enough is enough. I think White Hats have seen we have had enough also. It really is time to end the endless. The endless bull shit.


Gas prices in my area are currently "really low" (about $3.50) for the Biden presidency. It is like Trump was completely wrong when he said we will have gas prices higher than ever after the elections.

The "25 days or remaining diesel fuel" (which DJT retruthed) were also wrong.

Or what if these statements will be accurate.

I have no idea what Trump will announce tomorrow, but there are lots of promises it will be big. What if it is something that will activate leftist forces (like reversing the current election results).

Antifa forces all get their notices to show up in Seattle and Minneapolis to riot... except there is no gas for their cars to get there.

Also, something like reversing election results would typically be extremely controversial and unpopular with many people, but how would that sentiment change if the idiots in charge had caused this current disaster?

Also, a huge fuel shortage would sure make it more difficult to flee justice if the military forces were the only ones with gas.

A lot of hopium. I know. Just putting it out there. We'll know soon enough.


it used to be that whenever DJT would draw attention Q posts or it's followers, the MSM in unison would broadcast it.

About the last time they did this was when he began playing the WWG1WGA music at his rallies and then shared a dozen Q proofs.

It is like they realized that the Q followers were exploding, and someone had to tell them to stop drawing attention to it.

I wouldn't be surprised if DJT made a TS post that says "I am Q+" and they ignore it now.


I know what we all WANT.

What do you think it will really be? Click Like on reply you think:


Nov 6, we were all focused solely on the upcoming election. Q returns after months of silence and talks mostly about Hunter, Ukraine, and pop.

Nov 8, we are all talking about Red wave vs stolen red wave. Q talks about endless wars, inflation, oppression subjection surveillance, and printing (probably about election).

Nov 11, we are all talking about stolen red wave, the Rino's anti-Trump narrative, and Trump vs Desantis. Q returns with posts about how the DS uses inflation and economy crashes to steal wealth.

These Q posts are actually rather comforting to me. Q is not screaming about how must must take action now. Q is not behaving enraged, concerned, or even barely noting the events of the day.

It makes me feel things going exactly as planned.


Trump retruthed a TS post that said he started a "fake fight" with DeSantis to draw out the rino scum.

I'm wondering which new ones have been identified?

We learned some new ones in 2020 (like Laura Ingraham).

I'm seeing lots of screaming talking heads like Ben Shapiro and the Lincoln Foundation, but we already knew they were America hating scum.

I'm wondering which new names have been added on to the list.


Why does Ben Shapiro and other “conservatives” so strongly oppose Trump?

Obviously Bushes and Obamas have committed crimes against humanity and have much to fear from Trump. There are some who who will obviously say whatever they are paid to say (like Ann Coulter).

You can almost tell by the intensity of opposition someone has towards Trump if they are being paid or if it is their own conviction.

What danger does Trump make to the world of Ben Shapiro. Ben is his own boss and extremely wealth, so I doubt a few extra dollars per month is his motivation (but who knows).

Are these people child sacrificing pedophiles or are they just concerned a MAGA win could lessen their financial interests?

What do you think?


Trump got in Office in 2017. We can believe that immediately after that time, he began working with the White Hats in taking down the Deep State, and one of their top priorities would have been election fraudsters.

They want to catch THEM ALL. In order to "catch them all," they must allow all election cycles to take place.

Representative elections are every 2 years. President and Governor elections are every 4 years. However, Senator elections are every 6 years.

We can assume that the White Hats started their election stings in 2018 mid-term elections, and continued them 2020. If the White Hats had wrapped up their election sting at that time, a third of the cheating senators and some of their election officials they activate every 6 years would have escaped prosecution.

Thus, the 2022 election will complete the election cycles. All cheaters will be caught.

It could be initially reported that the usual bunch have won the election tomorrow. Don't worry, this time it will be short lived.

It is anyone's guess what it will look like when the cheaters are finally caught, but I think we can all be confident that the world will be a very different place in a year from now.

  1. Trump and Scavino have been posting a lot on TS about red waves. I don't think they did that in 2020.

  2. Trump said "they will try to try to cheat again." We won't let them this time. He knows.

  3. Trump has been posting continually "Nothing can stop what is coming."

  4. National Guard Cyber Security teams have been called up in 14 states.

  5. Several court rulings and state laws have removed some of the cheating mechanisms the DS used.

  6. 2020 was the year of the sting. They already caught them all. Do they need to run the same sting again?

  7. Q returned 2 day before the election to remind us our "vote matters."

  8. Trump has been pushing a number of MAGA candidates this time. If they don't get in this time, it could be easily be spinned in the future that MAGA candidates are unelectable and we have to go with RINOS again.

  9. Republican establishment candidates have the tools to cheat also. The wins of the MAGA candidates and destruction of establishment R's seem to be showing the ability to cheat has been diminished.

  10. Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter sure seems to be timed for the election. We can now safely assume it was not for an October surprise. Rather, it must be to disrupt cheaters communication system during the election, and to control the narrative after.


Dear White Hats,

Although we want an execution for many of these DS monsters, maybe we shouldn't rush to that moment immediately. We have to make these people live lives of some difficulty. So here is what I propose:

  1. Start by confiscating 100% of their wealth on earth, but do not arrest yet. It would be glorious to see the Rothschilds, Soros, Warren Buffet along with thousands of other deepstaters penniless! How will they get their next meal? Will they beg? Will they try to break into gas station cash registers? Where will they sleep? Who cares. Their problem.

  2. Use the Epstein Island tunnels as their prison. They seemed to long so much for the underground tunnels, maybe let them live the rest of their lives there.

  3. When in prison, make sure everyone is sent to HARD LABOR. Hopefully we can get some ideas from North Korea or Russia on how their hard labor is set up. Set up a live camera, so we can log in any time to see these WEF elitists cleaning chicken poop all day. Even senior citizens like HRC can spend 12 hours a day, sitting on her butt cracking shrimp like they do in a Chinese sweat shops.

  4. All DS that heavily pushed masks and vaccines must be required to wear masks 24\7.

  5. Let the heating\cooling systems at their prison be powered by green energy.

  6. Allow the prisoners to hold elections and referendums using Dominion voting systems. Oddly, after the votes are counted, it will always show that the majority of inmates voted to continue to work 12 hour shifts instead of having a having a comfortable break room.

  7. Whenever someone suggests they don't want to work 12 hour shifts or eat bugs, have them listen to a sanctimonious speech about "this isn't who we are!"

  8. Make sure all inmates understand that the prison wardens are the largest of victims of anyone. They must understand that suggesting that the prison wardens have more power than any of them is anti-wardenistc. Any anti-wardenistic comments will result in the wardens imposing any punishment they see fit.

those are just a few ideas I'd like to see incorporated. What punishments would you like to see?

The butt hurt is glorious (media.greatawakening.win) THAT HAPPENED
posted ago by Cat_Anon ago by Cat_Anon

Not that I have heard of any of them personally before. But someone must have some tweets shared by these people. These narcissists cannot go through a traumatic pivotal moment of their life without announcing it to the world within minutes.

Any tweets for those seeking shaddenfraude?


Lara Logan made a statement something like "you can know the establishment's fears and weaknesses based on which topics they attack you." She said something like we can use their "attacks as a roadmap towards the truth." So, let's look at what you can or cannot say.

Without fear of push back, you can (could) say:

Moon landings are fake

The World is flat

Trump Colluded with Russia

The 2016 election was stolen

There government are hiding aliens in area 51

What you cannot (could not) say without attacks or censorship:

Q is legitimately a voice of military insiders and Trump and is telling us the truth.

PizzaGate, is real, the establishment are child trafficking pedophiles.

Jews control the media and much more.

Some of the history behind the holocaust is false

Mask do not help spread disease

There are effective alternative treatments for Covid (HCQ, Ivermectin)

The Covid vaccine is causing deaths

The 2020 election was stolen


I"m curious. I imagine it would differ by state by state, but how soon would this be required?

Would schools require kids to have the vax immediately the next day, or would it be in a few months?

Does anyone know?


Many conservatives, including Trump, say that "school choice" is the solution to failing schools, particularly those in inner cities.

Although I do agree many public schools are disasters, I for one believe this is a bad idea.

I have sent my daughter to a private school since she was in kindergarten, and I can tell you that there is nothing "magical" about private schools except for one thing---the parents are very engaged in their child's education. The facilities and many teachers may actually be better at many public schools.

When parents are highly engaged in their children's lives, the children are much less likely to be involved in crime or other destructive behaviour. The schools are more likely to teach within the guidelines that active parents insist.

Many of these private schools are not filled with children of rich people, but rather those that will sacrifice to find ways to send their kids to school. I have known dozens of parents that help serve lunch or volunteer in other ways to get educational discounts. I spent a year myself as a bus driver, and I still found the means to send my daughter to a private school.

If sending kids to a private school suddenly became free, easy, and sacrifice-less, the halls would be filled with the same problems public schools face. A week or two ago, another GAW anon, made a post about how he was one of two other parents attending a school board meeting.

Really, what positive contributions could these private schools hope to receive from these School Choice newcomers?

I totally hate how much they system keeps feeding these schools, but I believe the solution needs to start by parents involvement. We've started to see a little of that around the country, as countries have gone too woke.


I anticipate a lot of health systems will get sued out of business within the next five years. There have been a few sporadic lawsuits against them, but I believe the dam is about to break. Just think of who will have a legitimate reason to sue these industries:

  1. The unvaccinated who were fired.
  2. Vaccinated employees that are injured by their mandates.
  3. Families of unvaccinated patients who were killed by protocol.
  4. Doctors who silenced, slandered, or threatened because they shared anti-vaccine information.
  5. And lastly, but most important, those who are vaccine damaged, or lost loved ones due to the vaccine.

Think many in the health industry will be able to find a friendly jury a year from now? Can you imagine the jury screening questionnaire "do you feel you any of your family vaccine damaged?"

The vaccine pendulum has GREATLY moved from a year ago, and it's just the beginning. People will be out for blood in a year. There will be lots of it to be found in the Health industry.


The person responded to Gregg and said "Are you saying people are literally poisoned by the information they share?" Gregg answered "Yes."

Can your an app on your phone send some kind of harmful frequencies to us? Gregg said someone was poisoned twice last week. That seems to imply it is an abrupt or instant poisoning rather than a slow frequency kind of damage.

Maybe the poisoning is not actually done by Telegram, but it makes you a target to the DS. DS knows where you live and send a mailer coated with poison if you are posting Patriot kinds of messages?

Your thoughts???

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