I feel like I’m in a torture chamber… New lock down rules so severe… Can’t even leave the province - there will be checkpoints. Police can stop anyone for no reason now. Not allowed to be outside or inside with anyone that is not in your household. Can’t leave vicinity of your home. Very restricted shopping options - Many isles blocked off and cash registers won’t even scan items considered illegal to buy now.. Including notebooks and bicycle helmets. Solicitor General Encouraging people to snitch. Many residents cheering this move on. Vaccine commercials are nonstop. Yes we have hotspots in province but as an example there is a city called Waterloo, population 600,000 where there are four people in ICU and 10 people in the hospital with Covid. Same rules. Please… Make this stop! When justice comes I don’t think any politician here is going to survive with their lives! That’s all I look forward to.
After the bizarre election fraud kickoff at four seasons landscaping that forced the confirmation of Joe Biden as president ELECT 10 minutes before the press conference (panic induced) Jake Tapper tweeted a very ominous tweet at midnight that said
“Some say the world will end in fire / Others say at four seasons landscaping north of the Tacoma-Palmyra bridge, near the porn shop “
IN trying to figure out what he meant by that, I discovered that it was a reference to a Short dark Robert Frost poem Fire and Ice
Basically humanity is over with a bang or slowly. Now I see it as a threat of depopulation by vaccine (Ice) or nuclear (fire)
Anyways - how did anyone think such a cryptic post was normal - I guess they just thought Jake was being weird at midnight and could not see poem reference.

Woke up this morning with a strong feeling of why Trump pushed the vaccine. Fauci and Gates wanted at least 18 months which coincides with when the FDA will actually approve the vaccine. Humanity is at doomsday turning point with the vaccine / vaccine passports and we know it is literally winner take all so In my mind this move was actually brilliant. We are fighting a silent war - any politician Or corporation who is pushing this Emergency approved vaccine are positioning themselves for a legal world of pain when white hats win. At the moment, because it is EMERGENCY use only, we are actually protected from being coerced into taking the vaccine by the Nuremberg code. I believe that according to the Nuremberg code, we are supposed to be signing consent to participate in an experiment. NOT being done is violation of the code. The Nuremberg code, thankfully, cannot be changed to suit black hats needs - like one of the Ten Commandments - so this is really our only protection at this point. But once fully approved - there is nothing stopping them from forcing this vaccine. Black hats Are operating under the position that they will win, so this speeds up their plan to normalize vaccine acceptance and passports. I don’t think think the actual nefarious version of the vaccine is in this go around. We know that the vaccine is to become a yearly or semi yearly requirement - the “human management” version to come later. So, when the white hats win, and for future of humanity we know they must, The ultimate nefarious plan with be presented to everyone and the trials will begin. I believe there will be financial compensation for those that have currently received the vaccine because of lack of written consent, and most importantly, penalties for those who have participated in pushing this. Last week I had my own silent battle on FAcebook because I recognized an inorganic promotion of the vaccine by a couple of “friends” who would be labelled as community influencers - “micro influencers” . I know that FB is actually paying influencers and Without naming the individuals directly, I made a post that anyone getting paid to promote the vaccine without disclosure is UNETHICAL. I think that was what Lin Wood was recently alluding to in his post about how we will be judged. I also think that we are seeing politicians lining themselves up with one side or another regarding this vaccine - so when the hammer comes down, it will be harsh for those that are currently forcing through COERSION and lack of Legal CONSENT This experimental vaccine. Q themes - timing is everything, and by the book
For those that have had permanent adverse effects or even death (percentage wise small) remember this literally is war and they are casualties.
This is all about TIMING And showing those that are ASLEEP how close we were to loosing it all - and ultimately showing us what atleast 60% have agreed in accepting the vaccine - very few do their homework or use critical thinking to access the potential health risk in using an emergency vaccine. Even worse are those that are ok with or pushing for vaccine passports. Medical apartheid- loosing Regency/ choice over your own body and putting it into the hands of the state. Inability to participate in society. When the white hats win, and all the nefarious aspects of the plandemic are revealed - there will be many who will have to hang their heads in shame for their behaviour toward their fellow human beings by participating in furthering the black hat / DS agenda, and for some there will even be legal consequences.
An interesting tidbit from Wikipedia regarding satellite and public hoax. Covid parallels?
Cosmonaut Communications Test/Hoax[edit] The mannequin carried a tape recording to test communication systems. In an attempt to avoid independent radio operators mistakenly believing the capsule was crewed, and especially to avoid the Americans thinking it was a crewed satellite reconnaissance mission, the recordings contained intentional giveaways. These included a musical choir and a male voice reading out the recipe for borscht, a Ukrainian beetroot soup, as though the cosmonaut was preparing it. Making soup would not have been possible in zero gravity, and the Soviets figured "even the most gullible Western intelligence man knew you couldn't fit a choir in a Korabl-Sputnik satellite." Nonetheless, non-Russian speaking listeners who tuned in to the radio transmissions did initially and erroneously believe that there was a cosmonaut aboard. Alexei Leonov would later recall: "since no announcement of the flight had been released by our state news agency, TASS, rumors spread like wildfire that a crewed space flight had gone wrong and been covered up."[9]
I never thought that location was a mistake. You can watch here - and more info as well. It is strange https://www.fiverr.com/