For those that work in healthcare administration or IT, are you already receiving notices for mandates come down from your respective state or national healthcare associations or CDC? We are seeing things like mask mandates on federal property as pushes for Microsoft vaccine tracking portals. Basically ignoring HIPPA violations and other nonsense. Just curios if anyone willing to comment. I have my belief on these as I consider myself somewhat enlightened to the narrative needing pushed.


I have waited in chow lines that long. Why the long faces little bears? Keep those chins up or make a hole and let a patriot through....

Anyone know if there is still a beer machine in Gitmo just a ways off the main dock under an awning/building. Was there in 1995, guessing it is pretty skunked by now as we were told, do not touch! First and only one I've ever seen.

Still have the desire to continue my knowledge. So many places to go.. So hard to tell.


I have few words. But thank you. I am still processing but struggling to do so right now.