Chandler15 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lookup enmity in your online concordance. It means hatred. Hatred between the 2 seedlines/lineages. It’s literally what the diagram above is about. Good vs evil. God vs Satan. Green lines vs red lines in diagram above. The Bible tells us who the evil people are in the world today. It is Satans seed (lineage) vs Gods seed (Adamic lineage). Yes, Satan has a lineage in the Bible with descendants living among us today. They have infiltrated our country and every aspect of our lives. They are in red in the diagram above = Edomites!

In Genesis 5:1 the book is the genealogy of Adam. If people would read the book as history, science and genealogy, instead of religion, it may help. Hopefully this helps...the awakening should bring everyone full circle to the Bible.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

The stories in the Bible are not man made, but metaphors to from which to learn. We must use critical thinking skills. Most people on this site got here for their critical thinking skills. They are questioning things. But yet when they get to the Bible, many run the other way. They don’t want to understand the metaphors. They don’t want to question what has been taught about the Bible. But this war we are in is Biblical. Time to dust them off and read them. It’s not blasphemy to question what man has taught us about the Bible. We must learn from our own reading. The chart above helps to get people started in reading the Bible. Who are the good people vs evil people.

Chandler15 2 points ago +3 / -1

Your instincts are correct. Study peoples features. That something about them is leading you in right direction.

Chandler15 1 point ago +2 / -1

I believe it’s discernible. A hooked nose? Although they hide it with plastic surgery today. Have you heard the term “Eyes above ears is someone to fear”? Sanpaku eyes? Ever heard that term? It’s a rabbit hole. These are all characteristics, along with a few other, that are possible.

Chandler15 2 points ago +3 / -1

You decide based on your readings. Yes, the Satan has breed with humanity. Can Satan shape shift? Read Enoch. Eve was seduced and deceived by the Devil in Genesis. The Devil taught Adam and Eve about sex (tree of knowledge - and they ate of the fruit - not literal fruit - but had sex). It’s why they we’re ashamed and covered their genitals with leaves. Had they ate an apple (the word apple isn’t in the Bible), they would have covered their mouths like children do when they eat something they are not supposed to. The Bible is full of metaphors that we must discern with critical thinking. Most people have never read the Bible, but take a ministers word for it. Been happening like this for decades. It’s why we have 33,000 denominations of Christianity.

Chandler15 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great comment here! Reading the Bible yourself is so important.
Ding, Ding...it’s the Jews = Edomites.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you! I knew someone else out there could help me open some minds, instead of listening to church doctrine. If people would only read it themselve.

Chandler15 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are absolutely correct and most churches teach Eve ate an apple...which is so stupid.

Chandler15 1 point ago +4 / -3

Research Superfetation, while rare it happens. Not Fraternal. But pregnant mom is carrying two babies by two different fathers. Yes, it happens.

Chandler15 0 points ago +2 / -2

Religion is man made. The Bible is a book about the genealogy of Adam - Genesis 5:1.

Chandler15 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ah...to say we can’t question the Bible means Revelations 22: 18-19 needs to be read. If anyone adds or takes away items from the Bible, He tells you what will happen to them. God knew they would add and remove items from the Bible. Our job is to use discernment and study it, which hardly anyone does. The Bible is clear who the evil ones are...the Edomites. What have they changed? Who are the chosen ones? For real?
Take a look at this source: ageofLaodicea.com And there are many more sites like this one.

Chandler15 2 points ago +5 / -3

We have been deceived, and you are correct. Isreal in the Bible is not a state! That place over in the Middle East was founded in 1948. A mere 75 years ago. It was not Israel prior to 1948.
Israel is the Israelites. The 12 tribes of Jacob. They still exist today, although most people don’t know which tribe they have descended from.
Let me give you some verses: Matthew 10:6 and Matthew 15:24 God came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel...we are indeed lost today. The House of Israel is the 12 tribes....they are CHRISTIANS scattered. It is not that place over by Egypt. It’s not a place at all! It’s people that call themselves Christians. Remember religion is man made. 33,000 denominations that can’t agree on much. Your heart shouldn’t be in the church, as that is man made. Your heart is in Christ. He is in you. Pray and let him know you. He wants to hear from you daily. And boy do we have a lot to pray about right now!

Chandler15 -1 points ago +7 / -8

No Adam also had sex with Eve. Eve was carrying Satans seed (Cain) and Adams seed (Abel). It’s called Superfetation - research it. A woman can carry babies from two different males/sperm. It happens. Then in Genesis 3:15 And I will put ENMITY between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed.... What does ENMITY mean? In the Concordance....it means hatred. The two seedlines will hate each other. Which is what the green and red lines show in the chart above.

Chandler15 5 points ago +15 / -10

There is no mention of an apple in the Bible. The word Food is from akal, which has multiple meanings and can mean sex. In Genesis 3:6 “Pleasant to the eyes” also means lusting and desired. We don’t lust for fruit. What does beguiled mean in Genesis 3:13? Beguiled is Nasha, meaning to lead astray, deceive, seduce. We don’t seduce fruit. In Genesis 3:7 if their eyes were opened from knowledge acquired and they knew they were naked. If their sin was of eating, why didn’t they cover their mouths? If children eat something they are not supposed to, they cover their mouths. They don’t cover their genitals.
The serpent is Satan. Satans children are walking among us today. 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:14 Genesis 3:14 And Yahweh God said unto the serpent (Satan)... Some churches teach the serpent was a snake. This is why there are 33,000 denominations of Christianity.
John 8:44 tells us who would be the liars, deceivers and murders, always lurking in the shadows of society, like snakes in the grass. Genesis 3:15 tells us that there are literally two seedlines of people in the world today. Yahweh’s children in green in the chart above and Satan’s children through Cain and later on Esau/Edom - Red in the chart above.

Chandler15 0 points ago +4 / -4

Cain’s Father is Satan...the Canaanites and Edomites Father is Satan. Genesis 3:15 has been mistranslated for decades. The churches and our ministers have been indoctrinated. Here are some sources: AgeofLaodicea.com thinkoutsidethebeast.com Rightwordtruth.com Yahwehyahuwshua.org Thevolumesoftruth.com Judaismvschristianity.com

Let me know if any of these don’t work. I think I have them spelled correctly.

Chandler15 -1 points ago +12 / -13

Genesis 3:13. The word “ate” is “sex”....the churches teach Eve ate an apple. The churches have been indoctrinated like our schools.
Eve had sex with Satan. Satan deceived Eve. Then in Genesis 3:15 God put enmity between Satans seed and Adams seed. Eve was carrying 2 seeds from different fathers. Yes, it’s possible. Research Superfetation. Cain was from Satan. Abel was from Adam. And while Abel later dies, God prepares her womb to carry Seth later to provide a perfect bloodline for Jesus Christ.
We have been mislead about many things in the Bible. Check out this website for more info: ageofLaodicea.com

Chandler15 -1 points ago +4 / -5

Religion is man made. 33,000 denominations man made. Genesis 5:1 the Bible is a genealogy book of Adam and his descendants.

Chandler15 16 points ago +41 / -25

Thanks! This is a great diagram for those who want to come full circle in their AWAKENING PROCESS. It’s all BIBLICAL! There are 2 seedlines (lineages/descendants) identified in Genesis 3:15. Eve had sex with the serpent Satan (no she didn’t eat an apple). Cain is the offspring of Eve and the Devil. Abel is the offspring of Adam and Eve. The Canaanites and Edomites are of Satan. Adamic vs Satan is what this war is really about! The 12 tribes of Israel (Jacob’s descendants) vs the evil Edomites of Esau. Have you figured out who the Evil Edomites are in the world yet today? Are there more than just the 66 books of the Bible? Which books were removed and why? Your rabbit holes will eventually bring you to the Bible. Then read the books of Enoch and Revelations. Are we in tribulations? Did tribulations start with the pandemic? When is the harvest of the wicked? Does God tell us what to do with evil ones in Deuteronomy 20:17.
God (Yahweh YHWH) created Adam and Eve for the most perfect lineage bloodline of Jesus Christ. The letter J is only 400 years old so we know that’s not his real name. What is his real name? Who changed his name in the Bible? The evil Edomites have been living among us for thousands of years. They deceive and are out to destroy that green bloodline in the chart above. This, my friends, is the real war going on.

Chandler15 5 points ago +6 / -1

Most can’t read and write and have no respect. This is what no child left behind gave us. Inner city schools are nothing more than babysitting services. Are we to pretend learning is going on? Could you imagine if this had been a white student and black teacher? Why our cities would be burned to the ground!!!

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