Chey 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Catholic Church has been through this song and dance countless times in history. If you believe in the devil, you're wild to think that he wouldn't target the Catholic Church with all his power to try to tear it down. Catholicism(+the Catholic Church) is not evil but this wouldn't be the first time ever that the Vatican has hosted corruption. You should just hear how many HORRIBLE popes the Church has had in the past. Is this the most corruption the Church has ever had? Perhaps! But Archbishop Vigano knows even better than most of us that the entire body of the Catholic Church is not BAD- that parts are broken and diseased. He is a strong man of God and one of the exact types of people that the Church needs now more than ever.

Chey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why did you take it so poorly? It was just a blunt correction by him, didn't even seem rude or ill intentioned. Especially with the GameStop stuff going on, it would reasonable for him to perhaps think that you actually meant to say trader instead of traitor.

Chey 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ok, you can hear about it afterwards! ??

Chey 7 points ago +7 / -0

Y'all really think life will stop for a wee bit? I'm in a red state and have a surgery scheduled for later this weekend... this whole time I've been thinking I should have gotten it done earlier and now I'm REALLY thinking I should have lmaooo