Just wait and see .


Media response ………..Yawn ….. Get boosted ……. Global Change …Stroke Season …..Asian White Supremacy…….Just let it all be forgotten…..


Much like they had the rewrite the original definition of the meaning of vaccine it appears safe and effective ow means certain death suddenly and unexpectedly


It is now blatantly obvious the narrative that Politicians around the Globe are Leaders has been drip fed with Media headlines and now is being Force fed. Politicians are Not Leaders of society! Politicians are representing thus serving the public who elected them ! The narrative of Leaders Must be pushed back every time you see a media headline , Take it to Truth and Twitter , Remind the masses that these self appointed Leaders are there to serve the public Not the WEF and corporate alliance. It is very clear these representatives are being Selected and Not Elected and they are Not serving the public interest. Awaken the masses and remind them these people are Not Leaders ! They should be held accountable to the public interest! No body around the Globe elected a representative to send Money and Arms to Ukraine ! No body elected a representative to hand over sovereignty to the WHO ! Nobody elected a representative to open the Countries Borders to foreign assault by following the UN great replacement Plan! Rise Up and Start fighting back in mass against the Leaders Narrative,it’s all propaganda to protect those who are Stealing and manipulating our kids futures for their own misguided beliefs. Rise Up now!


Seems he has the bad guys running for cover to produce a bigger story than what they expect to hear….


As long as Washington DC ,Brussels and the next Davos and WEF meetings are targeted first.


Given the high number of vaccinated and grateful posts getting covid . Have any pure bloods posted ?


Don’t let us down….