I just joined the site today after several years of lurking, watching, reading and grabbing a few headlines. The site is inspiring in that one can easily see that the people here are totally focused on unity, fact gathering, and coming to logical conclusions.

Where I get lost/frustrated is that this whole debacle we are living is playing out like a cliffhanger/soap opera. There are no definitive conclusions. Just more pieces to a puzzle we may never see and more devastation unfolding daily with no justice in sight.

I know there's some mystical plan in place for us to believe in. I know we will be victorious in our quest for freedom and justice, I know good will defeat evil someday. There's an undying hope that we will overcome these seemingly monumental obstacles forming on the left that seem to grow by the day.

But when?

I was raised in a catholic household. My mother was a devout Christian woman with impeccable morals. She took me to church every Sunday. I learned all about Jesus Christ, his mission in life, his last supper, the betrayal that had him killed, his undying loyalty to his father, his death and resurrection, and finally his promise to return. It was that sermon that stuck with me. The one where all Christians are called up on to continue waiting for his return to cleanse the world of its sins. 2000 years later, we still wait. The most reverent of us have the most patience. I'm not one of the reverent. I dropped out of that line many years ago. But only to find myself on another one. One that is more pressing and urgent because my children are at an age where they will feel the full brunt of the cataclysm we are all heading for.

Which leads me to why I am torn.

I read the posts here. Each one with some cryptic reference to Q and Q's cryptic drops. I scan qalerts looking for clues on what to expect next but I can't decipher the code. I can see the high fives being passed around when we win and can reference a drop from 3 years ago that explains it. But what about our losses? What about the children who die during one of the false flag school shootings? What about all those patriots being held as political prisoners in DC because we pissed off the cabal? What about the people living in fear along the southern border and the cities and towns where dangerous migrants are being released into the public? What about the millions of middle class Americans like me that will eventually be facing the real possibility of bankruptcy as the economy takes a nosedive and inflation hits the ceiling? It comes as absolutely no consolation that it's all being done on purpose and with prejudice against all Americans, regardless of how much the left violently disagrees with the right or vice-versa.

I apologize for the rambling post as it's the wee hours of the morning where I am but my point of all this is that we need to get somewhere fast. Many here say we are 'winning' and they are 'losing' but all an ordinary guy like me sees is that we are not even in the fight yet. I know I'm not the only person who feels this way but, if we're going to battle against the bad guys, let's fucking battle already. Enough talk. We've already lost enough. In my humble opinion, I get the feeling that's been 'the plan' all along. Q can't win for us all by him/themselves.

Rant off.