ClementYip 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's half a head (like 6-7 inches). She may be old, but it's highly inconceivable she could shrunk by that much, while without visible hunchback.

It's much more plausible that it could be a "body double" than it is that she shrunk by that much with age.

ClementYip 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK... I meant "Body Double".... I wasn't as specific/accurate as you. But regardless of whether it's "clone" or "body double", my question remains.

ClementYip 2 points ago +2 / -0

I couldn't post picture here on reply. But there are pictures (on the internet) that shows:

  1. The real Biden has his earlobe, and the clone has no earlobe.
  2. Hillary Clinton standing besides Bill Clinton during the Biden Inauguration. And she is much Shorter. She is up to Bill Clinton neck only. When some of her older picture showed that she was up to his ear.