Click 8 points ago +8 / -0

Jordan Sather posted a thread digging into how these people infiltrated "Save the Children" marches and rallies.


Click 0 points ago +1 / -1

Getting what out of the way? You deciding what should and shouldn't be posted on this site as if you're a tyrant? This is exactly why people left /r/greatawakening. It's because of mods like you deleting threads YOU think shouldn't be on the forum, when it's perfectly fine and on-topic.

Hilarious how you're calling this "curation." Yeah, just like how Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and other tech platforms are just "curating" content too, right? Give me a break with that shitty excuse.

What's so bad about this video clip? Please, I'd love to hear your rationale on removing it.

Click 1 point ago +2 / -1

And here we go with the censorship. At least you're announcing it (for now) instead of TDW mods who stealth delete and censor everything. Knew you couldn't be trusted with modding a new forum.

Click 5 points ago +5 / -0

I couldn't give 2 shits about The Hill. I know they are fake news, but McCarthy and Pence did say these things about Q and QAnons.

Click 6 points ago +7 / -1

They can condemn, disavow, denounce, and deny Q all they want.

Nothing can stop what's coming.


Click 9 points ago +9 / -0

Twatter is taking out all of the top Q followers and influencers.

Only a matter of time before they ban Prayingmedic, CJTRUTH, M3thods, Julian's Rum, Karli, intheMatrix, TheSharperEdge, etc.

Here is Jordan Sather's Parler account:






Click 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is only "huge skepticism" because of fake MAGA shills like the Alex Jones [MOS] bunch brainwashing these Trump supporters into doubting and hating Q.

If people would stop listening to gatekeepers like Jones, Posobiec, Cernobitch, Scott Adams, Gorka, Raheem Kassam, and many other egotistical, lying know-it-alls who don't know much of anything.

If people did their own research instead of blindly following and believing in these toolbags, there wouldn't be nearly as much skepticism and hatred on our own side against Q and QAnons.

Click 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because that's the entire point of having an anonymous forum: no censorship.

You gotta take the good with the bad on a forum that truly has no moderation and no censorship. Obviously no child porn or really bad shit is allowed, but everything else is fair game. Shills and trolls take advantage of that freedom to say and post whatever the hell you want.

Click 5 points ago +6 / -1

Nazitards hate on Jews on purpose.

It's a shill tactic to drive normies away from Voat and QRV subverse, and also forum slide. Same tactics is used on 8kun.

Click 10 points ago +10 / -0

Tons of anti-Q shills everywhere. This place will get flooded eventually as it gets more populated.

Sad that some of them claim to be Trump supporters but are so vicious in attacking fellow Trump supporters who happen to follow Q.

Click 5 points ago +5 / -0

https://voat.co/v/QRV is always getting DDoS'd and having problems loading.

Q endorsed that subverse so it's constantly getting attacked and spammed by shills.

Click 6 points ago +6 / -0

Q is a top secret security clearance designation, some say in the Department of Energy, but most believe Q works for the NSA. Bill Cooper, who was Q before there was even an internet, said he had Q level clearance.


Q started posting on 4chan, then moved to 8chan, and is now on 8kun.


Here are Q post aggregators for people to search and find posts easier:



New York Slimes wrote a piece about the NSA hunting down leakers and Snowden 15 days after Q's first post on 4chan. In it, they describe the counterintelligence arm of the NSA as "Q Group."



This is what I personally believe "who" Q is. I think it's a team of military intelligence personnel who is helping President Trump communicate with the public through a backchannel.

That's obviously not Q's only objective or mission, but just a small part of their job because Trump ordered them to wake the public up, but in such a way that he has plausible deniability and anonymity, while not breaking any national security laws while disclosing top secret information. It is why a lot of Q's posts are cryptic and has to use the Socratic method to give TS info to the public.

Here are some good resources that collects, chronicles, and explains Q proofs.




This site has been tracking all of the resignations, arrests, and indictments a month after Q started posting:


Click 6 points ago +6 / -0

No coincidences.

Click 3 points ago +3 / -0

Their new tactic is to link President Trump himself to Q, even if it means they have to give Q more credibility and legitimacy.

Then they will cause a false flag and pin it on an alleged Q follower, then blame President Trump for it.

They started this new tactic a few weeks ago when CNN released this hit piece which actually contained a portion that makes Q look and sound legit:


It's also why an AP reporter finally asked President Trump a question related to Q, after 2 and a half years of the fake news refusing to ask POTUS about Q directly.


These assholes know there's nothing that can stop the Q movement from growing. It's too late. They need to pin false flags on Q and Trump now.

Click 2 points ago +2 / -0

More Q Proofs:



This site has been tracking all of the resignations, arrests, and indictments a month after Q started posting:
