Think about this. We know pedos like Tom Hanks used COMMS on his own instagram. Mouthy Buddha did a great documentary on this, you can check it out for yourselves on bitchute if you are not up to date.
We know pedo networks have infiltrated organizations at every level. Especially the entertainment business. If you see pedo TV producers using symbols as COMMs on children's cartoons or toys, you could call them out in the comments and mass dislike their videos. But now, Youtube has banned all comments for kids videos. It makes me feel like it's actually not to protect the kids, but to protect the pedos from being exposed. Now you can't comment on their videos to expose the pedos.
Why do you guys even care? Just make a new account when you have something useful to say. If your content is good and brings up discussions, it will grow organically.
You can tell the people complaining about being banned used to be redditors. Redditors are just bigger snowflakes in general, they still care about their account and their karma. The users that come from 4chan or 8kun don't give a shit. You make a post and engage in discussions. Your account and karma don't matter.
Every website has their own weird criteria for bans. You can say joggers and kikes all you want on /pol/ but you can't post porn images for whatever reasons. None of this shit has to make sense for your sake. Last week I got banned for posting black male asian female interracial porn in /pol/ because I was trying to trigger the chicom shills. Does it make sense? No it fucking doesn't. Do I really give a shit? No. It was fun while it lasted.
I know this belongs to more but I really can't trust that site to have open-minded discussions about this topic specifically. For a conspiracy site, those guys are really close-minded in regards to Christianity it's almost like there's an active effort to manipulate the narrative.
I tried giving it a chance to get some outside perspectives. But there's so much blatant disinformation in like half the posts and comments, I've learned nothing useful while browsing there.
What's stopping Biden from just straight up handing China the nuclear codes?