A lefty friend of mine showed me this Youtube channel, I guess he's waking up a bit. Initially I was freaked out by the name, but it's actually a really interesting insight into the state of the USA/America/"I don't know anymore what the current name is".
@mods: If you think it's worthy of more exposure (I kinda think it is), please make a post yourselves. I'm not here for the honor.
In case you missed it: https://www.dumpert.nl/item/8053035_9d195de3 And the end result: https://www.dumpert.nl/item/8051535_f91cf53a
I can't find anything more on this one...
Let me roughly translate the petition page for you all:
Livestream of the waterkanon live {number} of signed petitions
We Dutch folk pay for the police and have the right to watch a high quality livestream of 'the' waterkanon.
We: Dutch folk who stay at home
observe: That a 4k livestream of 'the' watercanon of the police is a good form of entertainment on a Sunday.
and request: That the watercanons of the police are to be fitted with camera's for public livestreams.
And for educational matters, an edit of the above with someone on his first day trying out the watercanon: https://www.dumpert.nl/item/8053523_4f4fb87f
I believe that has already been debunked due to the massive difference in camera angles. Then again, I've to admit that I still do agree that it's odd. Especially as later on you don't even see anything of these girls in yet a different set angles, angles from which imho you should be able to see them.
I found something strange in the inauguration video.
I downloaded the "official" video from here: https://youtu.be/q5iCPKDp4V4
(I used https://youtube-dl.org/)
Around 00:09:37 there's a fade out woman in an orange coat is walking left, the fade in starts with her standing still and moving right.
And watch the flags. The flags are waving, and then barely any movement at all.
If this was a live broadcast, I wouldn't expect to see this but I've been proven wrong before.
In case you're scared to follow the link. Soft White Underbelly stands for this: