They will fight, scream and escalate... repeat...


It is too late and they have all had to "lawyer up" then the silence will be deafening.



Just curious.

What would it take?

Who really is doing the canceling? Are these write-in campaigns? Protests? Seems to me the canceling only comes from the MSM...

We need to cancel THEM.



There are many. ??‍♂️???



This is my answer now when people of authority over me are asking if I have had my vaccine yet.

I tell them I'm in the control group that is not taking it.

I tell them that If I die from COVID, it means I probably should have got the vaccine. If they die, it means they shouldn't have, and at least now there is a way to know the bottom-line effectiveness of the vaccine...

I've found this gives them pause and sounds just medical enough to confuse their tiny sheep mind. I also say it with a certain degree of certainty and relief in my voice, just to keep them thinking.


The bastards that run the internet have made everything impossible to find...

The was a video posted here recently < 2 weeks, that was a very good minute by minute accounting of exactly what went down at the capital. I believe it was 40+/- some minutes long.

If I'm not mistaken I think the "cover" of it featured the "Qanon Shamen" ?

I forgot to download and/or bookmark it. If anyone could share the link it would be appreciated!


She is being politically assassinated heavily today on all MSM. She is the ONLY one in this position that is speaking the truth and she is on OUR side.

We are open to suggestions on how to give her our full-throated support!


Here’s my thoughts at this point.

The Darkness is our inability to get factual current and relevant news about what the hell is really going on with our entire government.

If you stop and really watch what’s happening it is definitely a show for us during the Darkness.

  • no matter what strange events took place at the capital on the 27th, culminating in early morning fireworks displays. (Spent unused inauguration display I’m guessing)(planned) timed for right after all the shenanigans that night. A “quiet” signal to us that something happened of significance.
  • Biden’s appearances & signing executive orders. Have you noticed how pathetic he is made to look? Sitting at tiny little tables all over the place? I believe we are being shown what all of their plans over the next X years would have been. Signing them all in the first 10 days.? Exposes them quickly. Look how many are pissed off on the other side already.
  • The observed military disrespect for the new POTUS.
  • Watching billionaires squirm.
  • And the mystery and drama of it all. Would be a great movie script if it wasn’t happening in our real lives. I think all the signs are there that this is exactly the show we are supposed to be enjoying. Relax, sit back and laugh at how these idiots go down in flames. ?



I’m in a situation where I need to explain this to some sleepy people. I have lost my database of the documentaries that were out there really just a couple good ones in particular. The web has been pretty much scrubbed.

Anyone able to find/share? Much appreciated Patriots.


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