ConvictedOffenderUSA 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Vegas" doesn't even offer bets on election results. It's illegal. Stop spreading misinformation.

ConvictedOffenderUSA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Betting on election results is illegal in the United States. US casinos do not offer such bets. If you made a bet on Trump, who are you going to sue? Some shady casino website based in Panama?

ConvictedOffenderUSA 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are no casinos in "Vegas" or anywhere in the US that take bets on election results. If you want to make such a bet, you have to do it on an offshore website. The number of people who don't know this easily verifiable fact and keep talking about when "Vegas" is going to pay on Trump-Biden bets is astounding.