The last I can find of her is 9-15-20.


The last I can find of her is 9-15-20.


If not, I will just start digging, I guess. :).

Edit: was just looking for answers to factual stuff like Supreme Court rulings, etc. Someone drooped a great reference in the comments. Thanks all!


And did they then alert people?


And did they then alert people?


I sent a GA link in a text to a friend who has an iPhone. She never got it.

I then sent another text to her iPhone with a direct link to the FISA docs and it went through immediately! Is GA being blocked on iphone? Anyone else experience this?


I have messaged the mods, maybe others should to?


Please bare with me as I explain math and how I got to this just by a spark of thought when reading the proof.

What if 11.3 is a %. What is 11.3 of 12? Why 12? 12 months in a year.

To find a % divide the smaller number by the larger number. 11.3÷12=.941

Hmmm....now flip it. Flip what you know. Divide the larger by the smaller. 12÷11.3=1.06

12 months in a year. 1st month. 6th day. January 6th.

I understand this is a stretch but this happened very organically to me as I read the drop from Nov 1 2017.


Thanks! I am new to this and just learning but in particular I just want current information.