CovefefeREEEE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Updoot for the "Different Strokes" reference.

Personally, i spell the phrase as follows: "Whachutalkinbout, Willis?"

CovefefeREEEE 5 points ago +5 / -0

And this emergency declaration basically gives the NG policing powers while it is active. The acting head of DHS was recently fired. The new one? Former head of FEMA. Who controls the NG during emergencies? FEMA / DHS. Hmmmmm.

Also, Mayor Bow Wow of DC tweets something like, "No more National Guard, unless you check with me".
Um, sorry Bow Wow, you are not in control here, POTUS is.

CovefefeREEEE 17 points ago +17 / -0

Questions I ask myself . . .

Why has the mayor of D.C. called for no more troops?

Why has there been a emergency (FEMA) declared in D.C.?

Who is in charge of the National Guard during a delcared emergency?

Why was the head of DHS recently fired?

What powers do the National Guard posses during an emergency?

Grab your popcorn, pedes. I think it's about to get real.

CovefefeREEEE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Guard man, there’s no need to feel down

I said Guard man, pick yourself off the ground

I said Gaurd man, cause you’re new in this town

There’s no need to be unhappy

Guard man, there’s a place they can go

I said Guard man, no more sleep on the flo

Arrest dem traitors, and I’m sure you will find,

They’ll be staying there for a long time

It’s fun to send them to Guan-tan-amo Bay

It’s fun to send them to Guan-tan-amo Bay

CovefefeREEEE 3 points ago +4 / -1

Nah. Mock 'em. Shows how stupid they are.

CovefefeREEEE 17 points ago +17 / -0

I know right? This awoman line, is about as absurd as Rep Hank Johnson saying Guam will sink if we put too much military hardward on the island. They are not sending their best.

CovefefeREEEE 26 points ago +30 / -4

Awoman, people. Did you not get the memo? Sheez. /s