In my retarded opinion its like ..... a race ... ya gots da RussiaChina gold-backed currency trying to control da eastern hemisphere and ya got da Central Banks jockeying to simultaneously destroy da faith in da petrodolla and "Brick and Mortar" banks while installing a CBDC and hopefully regulating all crypto in da process
It's like they made a show out of excrement ... a real shit show, if you would
Back when COVID started I did an extensive study on dis and wut y'all gots to memember bout religous is exemptions is they are protected from the UN down to federal Law and State Law .... quite frankly the state doen't get to tell you wut you believe so fuck their anit-exemption laws cuzz they don't hold weight in court
Dis sent chills down me spine .... I posted sumtin yesterday dat coincides wif dis
All da jabs incorporated da use of monkey DNA in dem .... VAERS es loaded wif cases of blistering as an adverse reaction .... ets known as autoimmune blistering syndrome
Me tinks da Money Pox es a side affect of da jab so us pure bloods have nuffin to worry about
Wut I thought particularly odd about da whole ting es dat da WHO es playing et like a STD
Me tinks da occurrence of da blistering was a happy coincidence and da WHO es using media spin designed to destroy families
Yes and me imgur account acting stupid but just search da COVID vaccine and scroll down to the B's ...... Blisters, Rupturing Blisters and Infected Blisters happened in like 52% of the patients combined ... just regular blisters in 50%
In case of default, the issuer of commercial paper (large corporate) would be debarred for 6 months, and credit ratings would be dropped down from existing to "Default".
Defaults on high quality commercial paper are rare, and cause concern when they occur.
Notable examples include:
On June 21, 1970, Penn Central filed for bankruptcy** under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and defaulted on approximately $77.1 million of commercial paper. This sparked a runoff in the commercial paper market of approximately $3 billion, causing the Federal Reserve to intervene by permitting commercial banks to borrow at the discount window. This placed a substantial burden on clients of the issuing dealer for Penn Central’s commercial paper, Goldman Sachs.
On January 31, 1997, Mercury Finance, a major automotive lender, defaulted on a debt of $17 million, rising to $315 million. Effects were small, partly because default occurred during a robust economy.
On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers caused two money funds to break the buck, and led to Fed intervention in money market funds.