Was watching the pre show and his site shit the bed. Did they take him down? is there another feed other then lindell tv ?

Why is Trump promoting the shots when there are so many people who work in the medical field and medical research who are saying that these shots are bad news, very bad news. I hope people do not die this fall but there are indications that they will and that there will be long term issues to the members of this drug trial.

Does anyone know how long vaxed people will shed spike proteins?


The other day the yellow shirts on cam 6 had a little hood and a uv light. What happened to this. The hood is gone as is the light.....Any ideas?


I am talking to someone who thinks that since the government has "approved it" it must be ok. He does not believe that the 70% was said on an interview, I want to rub it in his nose.


I stopped in to a gas station the other day and went inside. I put the mask on my chin as I sometimes do when I want to humor / trigger the retards (I sometimes go no chin mask). Anyway worker 1 checks me in, worker 2 looks over and starts losing his shit. "put your mask up NOW" I tell the retard "na I am leaving in a minute". He starts in on a rant about store policy, public safety etc and about how they wont ring me in. I looked at him and say "na man I am leaving in a minute" and tapped my card in the terminal that the other guy had rang me up. When he saw I paid for my stuff with no mask he actually got red in the face and started running around the counter yelling stuff about masks and telling me to never come back.

The retard was acting like I was trying to rob the place or that I kicked his dog. I am so sick of covidiots.


Watching the audit, on camera 6 there is a yellow shirt guy with what looks like a UV flashlight. I assume he is looking for water marks and illegal ballots. But he is not using it on every ballot they examine. What is actually going on here? And it is below the screen so I cant see but is he separating out some of them?

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