Portland Andy has it right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRAU2_qcLmQ


I'm at the point now where I can say, "There's never going to be a good time to do this. Just drop our own version of a nuke and RELEASE IT ALL on every platform and literally let the whole world see the truth."

It will never stop otherwise. They are like rats hiding everywhere underground and if you wait until you get them all to do something - you'll never do it. You'll never find them all.

Let it all go NOW. Forget making deals and trying to protect some 40-60% of them. If the public gets upset, well, those of us who have known about this stuff for a long time will talk to them and explain things. That's our part to play in all of it.

If it takes down nations, then fk it - let it take down nations. It won't take down the USA or Canada. I think they're worried about that one country in the middle east, but if this stuff can take them down then by God they deserve to be taken down.

All of them do.

Waiting and waiting for a "good time" to release the info is not helping those children and other victims of trafficking. Enough is enough.


I put this post together after a few comments to those on patriots.win. Many of them are demanding that the files be released and I've tried to explain what the holdup might be.

This is a tough one and I'd like to know what those of you here might think about it.

I tried to explain over there that these people don't mess with kids just for jollies (some do, but mostly it's for blackmail.)

You want to be in The Club, you have to prove your loyalty. And you have to have a way of being controlled.

So, either you go along with doing terrible things to children, or you get set up to look like you did, or else You're Out. And if You're Out, you will probably suffer an unfortunate accident so you can't talk about anything you might have seen or heard.

It's not just the USA. It's the whole world. Anybody influential and important. The king of England. Most heads of state. These are the monsters who run the whole planet. It's just like the mafia - it IS the mafia. Highly organized crime. Lawful evil, to put it in D&D terms.

Most people would be shocked to the core if they were told. Most would refuse to believe it and most likely would turn against the messenger (Trump & us) for trying to tell them.

You don't think so? Try telling a few close normie friends about what I just posted above. Tell them you're dead serious. Watch what happens. Now imagine that times a few billion.

That doesn't even cover the retaliation planned if we really turn this loose. Power grids down. Water systems poisoned. Suitcase nukes and dirty bombs in cities. These people will NOT go quietly.

Starting to understand the problem now?

This is what Trump and Bondi and Patel are really up against. I can't hate them for being very, very careful.

I am just trying to imagine what's going on behind the scenes and what kind of threats are hanging over all of our heads.

And it's not just those kind of threats. The population at large does not seem at all prepared to cope with just how bad this information really is.

Just this week, I tried to explain it to a couple of normie friends - very worldly, grownup, intelligent people that I have known well for many years.

Both of them were in shock at what I was saying and have cut me off socially. They Could Not Handle It.

They'll probably come back eventually - but I'm trying to imagine that if they'd do that to me, somebody they actually know, how will they react to hearing this coming from Trump and his cabinet?

So many laugh at and dismiss Q, but of course that's where we were introduced to these ideas many years ago. As a result, we are prepared but the people who laughed it off and refused to look at it are not prepared at all.

Seriously: What do you think would actually happen if it was all released tomorrow? We would be extremely happy - but what about the average person, not to mention the average TDS-riddled leftist?


Palestine is a death cult. So is Haiti. Somalia probably is, too.

Those groups worship and glorify death and suffering. They have no other gods.

They are ruled by tyrannical, psychopathic warlords who keep anything good for themselves, and who make very sure to keep their own people subjugated and enslaved for the benefit of those warlords.

They are at the end stage of national development, where they've gone backward instead of forward.

All three are failed states that no one has been able to help, no matter what aid and money you send them or where else you try to put them.

That's also why every other nation (except the USA) refuses to take them: Nobody in their right mind wants to live with a death cult.

I don't know what you do with failed states that failed due to becoming death cults, but that's what we're dealing with here. And I honestly don't know what the answer is.


Things had seemed to quiet down after the election, but now that the inauguration has actually happened the animosity has just exploded again.

Friends, family, co-workers, doesn't matter - they're all just losing it again and taking it out on anybody they suspect of being a Trump supporter.

It's depressing, really, when it should be such a triumphant day but all you get is a ton of hate all over again from people you love. I wish I could help them but I sure don't know how.

Hang in there, I guess, is all that I can say.


Do we really think this is an accident? This adds greatly to the panic and chaos out there. Now the residents can't even trust the messages they're getting from the people who are supposed to be in charge.

Which is exactly what you'd want if you were trying to make things as bad as possible.



These wildfires are caused by arson, not "lightning." It's part of the deliberate destruction of U.S. infrastructure and resources.

The news crews marvel at the sight and say, "Wow, it looks like a war zone!"




They couldn't destroy it from the outside with conventional weapons, so they started gutting it and rotting it from the inside - with stolen elections to install communist leaders, floods of enemy men pouring in through an open border, and now flat-out destruction of entire cities and towns.

This is only going to get worse from here now that Trump is coming back.

Hold on to your butts.


Trump did say he'd be back sooner than we think.


Remember: Plato was born in 427 BC.

Imagine the following scenario: A group of people have lived in a deep cave since birth, never seeing any daylight at all. These people are bound in such a way that they cannot look to either side or behind them, but only straight ahead.

Behind them is a fire. Behind the fire is a partial wall. On top of the wall are various statues, which are manipulated by another group of people just out of sight.

Because of the fire, the statues cast shadows on the wall that the prisoners are facing. The prisoners watch the stories that these shadows play out; but because this is all they ever see, they believe these shadows are the most real things in the world.

Now imagine one of these prisoners is freed from his bonds and is able to turn and look directly at the fire and at the statues themselves.

After the initial shock and disbelief, he eventually realizes that these things are real and the shadows have been false.

from https://www.sparknotes.com/philosophy/republic/themes/

There is more, but this is where all of these extremely distraught people are right now. Plato's Cave is a dead-on representation of people who only get their news from TV and the Internet instead of going out into the world and seeing things for themselves.

Some will never leave the cave. They simply cannot accept the fact that the shadows were never real. They will stay in that cave forever, no matter what we try to show them.


When your high-tech is not available - use your low-tech!

Website: https://www.mountainmulepackers.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mountainmulepackersranch/

This is a link to their Venmo QR code on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1076263977837445&set=a.504130048384177


Bring a plastic whistle. Even a small one. Keep it in your bag or purse or pocket or on your keychain.

That way, if you see anything that looks wrong anywhere at the rally, you - and everyone around you - can stand up and start blowing those whistles and pointing.

If the people in Butler PA could have done this when they saw the kid on the roof with the gun, things might have been very different. (Don't get me wrong - they tried. But just yelling is not enough when a huge rally is going on.)

Yes, the rally regulations say you cannot bring whistles and noisemakers. That means you're not to use them during a "normal" rally, which is understandable.

I'm talking about keeping something with you in case of emergency. That's very different.


This is the AP transcript of a three-minute video made by Prince William and his wife, Catherine, the Princess of Wales. It's a lovely family video announcing her possible return to public life after reports that she's been under treatment for "cancer" - they've never said what kind - since January of 2024. Their three children are featured in the video, too.


I'm wondering what kind of comms might be in this video. It's in her voice. IMHO, she did not have cancer and was actually in hiding for her own protection.

I also think William is not a WEF creature but his father, King Charles, certainly is. That's a problem.

What does "cancer" mean in comms? Emphasis mine.

“As the summer comes to an end, I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have finally completed my chemotherapy treatment.

“The last nine months have been incredibly tough for us as a family. Life as you know it can change in an instant and we have had to find a way to navigate the stormy waters and road unknown.

“The cancer journey is complex, scary and unpredictable for everyone, especially those closest to you.

“With humility, it also brings you face to face with your own vulnerabilities in a way you have never considered before, and with that, a new perspective on everything.

“This time has above all reminded William and me to reflect and be grateful for the simple yet important things in life, which so many of us often take for granted. Of simply loving and being loved.

“Doing what I can to stay cancer free is now my focus. Although I have finished chemotherapy, my path to healing and full recovery is long and I must continue to take each day as it comes.

“I am however looking forward to being back at work and undertaking a few more public engagements in the coming months when I can.

“Despite all that has gone before, I enter this new phase of recovery with a renewed sense of hope and appreciation of life.

“William and I are so grateful for the support we have received and have drawn great strength from all those who are helping us at this time. Everyone’s kindness, empathy and compassion has been truly humbling.

“To all those who are continuing their own cancer journey — I remain with you, side by side, hand in hand. Out of darkness, can come light, so let that light shine bright.”


They're the DC Avengers. ("DC" because some superheroes are from DC comics and because, well, DC is where they're going.)

Trump is Bruce Wayne/Batman, of course.

Elon is clearly Tony Stark/Ironman.

JD Vance is totally Captain America.

RFK Jr. could be Bruce Banner/The Hulk. Looks like a regular mild-mannered nerdy guy, but when he's angry -

Kari Lake is trying her best to be Wonder Woman.

Who else have we got from The Avengers and DC Comics?


Wolf Neve has multiple livestreams right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuwSPutCQ68

Portland Andy is driving to Chicago right now and will be live from the street this week.

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