This is Portland Andy's aggregate livestream which right now has several from Berlin and the U.S. Capitol Building in DC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIsvdcKbldA


If you are ever polled, tell them you're voting DEMOCRAT. Tell them it's "blue no matter who."

If anyone asks why, tell them you can't argue with success. Everything's been a lot quieter since 2021 and you like it that way. (Then go home and laugh for two hours.)

In other words, make it so that polls don't mean a damn thing. I mean, they already don't but we want to make sure.

I think this had some effect in 2016 and we want to swamp the polls/confuse the hell out of everyone in 2024.


Florida resident here. Rode out more than one hurricane. Please take this storm seriously. Do not dismiss it with "eh, it's only a tropical storm." You have different problems:

One, You're about to get a very big storm in a very big DESERT where the water does not soak in; it just floods.

Two, most homes and buildings in Florida are built to a strict code where the framing is reinforced with metal clamps at the joints (I've seen this.) You Do Not Have This In California. That's why even "just a tropical storm," that Florida would hardly notice, can still do a lot of damage to YOU.

*If your Southern California home/apartment is up to earthquake code, with extra straps and clamps, you may be in luck. Might want to check to be sure.

Before the storm (like right now:) If no garage is available, park your car well out in the open and far away from trees. (My friend's car survived a Category 5 because he left it in the middle of a big parking lot.) Trees are deadly in these storms. Keep everything away from them as much as possible.

Your fridge is just a big insulated cooler box and food will stay good in there for a while with minimal door opening. Right now, fill up some water bottles 3/4 full and freeze them. They'll help to keep things cold in the fridge and you can drink the water if/when they melt.

Fill up your bathtub with clean water. You can use some for drinking if need be, but mostly it's so you can flush your toilet should the water be shut off. No electricity = no power to the pumps at the water main station.

As much light as you can get. Batteries, small solar-powered lamps, whatever. A generator is great but you can use those things if you don't have one.

Get work gloves because you'll be moving debris afterwards.

Have some books to read or something else to do to pass the time (board games, cards, etc.)

During the storm: First and foremost: STAY AWAY FROM THE BEACHES. DO NOT GO THERE TO WATCH THE STORM, EVEN FROM INSIDE A BUILDING. The storm surge is by far the most dangerous part of a hurricane/tropical storm. The water will recede, due to the force of the winds and the low barometric pressure, and then come rushing back all at once. Even a small surge will drag you far out to sea. A bigger one can wipe a whole town off the map.

This may be "just a tropical storm," but remember: It's hitting the desert areas and the desert floor is just like concrete. The water doesn't soak into the soil; it just collects and creates huge floods. That's why desert towns and cities maintain gigantic washes (gullies) that are dry 99% of the time but flood hugely whenever there is a big storm anywhere near. Flooding is a real danger with this "only a tropical storm."

Ride it out in the interior of your house/apartment. Stay well away from windows. These storms can spawn tornadoes and you will have no way of knowing if one is near or is forming up over your head.

After it's over:

Check on your neighbors and see who is still there and who might need help. I saw that there were a lot of single women and elderly people who did not evac ahead of the storm or immediately after. The men got themselves and their families out, while single women and the elderly had no one to help them and nowhere to go so they stayed put.

Set your phone to "text only" to save the battery. Communicate with people well outside the storm zone who can get you good info on what's going on. You will be in something of a blackout and the rumours will fly. Verify everything!

Clear out as much debris as you can from roads, parking lots, your front door, etc. The way needs to be clear for any emergency responders to get through.

Be careful of who's wandering around afterwards. Looters love to move in right after a storm and see what they can get.

I will ask the mods if we can have a dedicated Hurricane Hildawg thread to answer questions for anyone who is there and can get through. As I said, you will need information from those on the outside so you know what's really going on.

Good luck. Bring it, Hildawg! We're ready for you.


Some groups insist that "clocks are racist" because white people are always on the move, living by the clock, and using their time to get things done.

If you evolved in sub-Saharan Africa, or in an island paradise, food literally swims at your feet and falls off the trees onto your head. You don't have to work very hard to get it. You don't need a lot in the way of shelter, either; just something to keep the rain off and the animals out. For anything big like a major storm, head to the nearest cave for a while and you'll be fine.

It's actually counter productive to work hard messing with your environment when it's providing for you just fine as it is - not to mention working hard all day in a hot steamy climate. It works better to use patience, live more slowly, and let the food come to you. That is the concept of "island time" and it continues in those places today.

If you evolved in the Northern Hemisphere, you had to deal with cold and ice and snow and marked seasonal changes. You had to control your environment so it wouldn't kill you, and that meant far more work to get food and build shelter and keep warm. It would have been counter productive to live life in the slow lane, because you'd starve or freeze before the first year was over.

But this did lead to a drive to work hard and to an increased ability to invent things and find solutions to problems. That is the concept of the "work ethic" and explains a lot about why the civilized/"first" world is populated the way it is.

I'm convinced that this is the root cause of the screaming arguments, huge culture clash and "racism" between these two groups everywhere you look, and why neither group understands the other.

It's almost like separate cultures evolved for a reason and there is nothing good that comes from forcing them together.


IMHO, the "plan" is to get enough normies to Wake Up that the Left starts losing support. It's not about us. It's about normal people who still believe what the news on the TV box tells them.

There is no way to turn this around when the vast majority of U.S. citizens, never mind citizens of other countries, still believe "everything is fine" and the news tells the truth and their governments really do care about them and have their best interests at heart.

That is where OUR focus, as individuals, should be. Normies can't take the truth all at once, which is why it's been coming out slowly. But it is coming out.

Ask your normie family / friends how they feel about things. Especially things like Biden ignoring the Hawaii fires. "Why isn't he sending help? Why isn't he talking about it? Where is FEMA? Do you think we should go and help?" But just do one crisis at a time to get the wheels turning in their heads.

Crooks nearly always get caught and it's nearly always for the same reason: They get greedy.

They get away with one crime and instantly want more and more and more. That's why indicting Trump just once wasn't enough. Their greed drives them to want more and more and more so they'll indict him over and over again, and go further and further with the outrageous charges they try to bring.

The trouble with this kind of greed is that pretty soon it's impossible to hide, even from people who only watch CNN.

This Circus of Insanity is building and it will crash eventually. You can nudge it along through your family and friends, just one nudge at a time. The most important thing is to stress how this shite affects them personally.

Once enough normies lose their jobs and see their rent go through the roof and can't buy a house and find out their daughters go to high school with erect penises in the girls' restrooms and locker rooms, they'll start to wake up. Slowly, and making sure it's ok with everybody else first, they will wake up.

When cattle stampede and they're heading towards a cliff, cowboys know that you don't have to turn them all. You just have to turn the ones in front and the rest will follow.

Be a cowboy. Turn the ones in front. The rest will follow.


A lot of us are uncertain about what to do now, with our nation taken over in a coup and our president threatened with prison and even execution.

We seem to think that only a big massive pushback will be effective, but that's not necessarily the case.

Don't wait for the big push. Start small. Start with trusted friends and family members. Coordinate plans with them over a card game or a barbecue or target practice. Stay connected, no matter what.

Small groups soon overlap with larger ones. A quiet network is what we need. When the time is right to move, either locally or nationally, you will know. We will all know. And we'll be ready.

How do you know who to trust? You don't. The only person you can really trust is yourself. You're going to have to go with your gut on this one. But that's what every soldier in the field is faced with sooner or later.

When dealing with the civilians around you, especially the weak ones, you can provide what might be called "soft leadership."

Remember: Sheep don't have much of an aptitude for leadership among themselves. All they care about is staying inside the herd. They do much better when they have a shepherd and a smart dog to show them where to go, help them find food and water, and protect them from the wolves.

We can all be shepherds and sheepdogs for those around us who are terrified to take the smallest action for fear of being forced out of the herd. Providing some soft leadership for the civilians - the sheep - around you might give them the guidance they need to stop panicking and work together.

A lot of us did this during the fake pandemic. We refused to wear masks, no matter how much we got yelled at in public. We absolutely refused any shots, no matter how they threatened our jobs or refused us service or shut us out of our own families.

We learned that in many cases, if one person dared to take off their mask in public then others would do the same. But somebody had to do it first and risk the ridicule and shunning that could follow.

To get started: SPEAK UP. No more silence. No more fear of being shunned or banned or criticized in public or in private. SPEAK UP. TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON.

And gather those you trust into small quiet groups. Then look for more groups. I really think this is the way.

hold on - I'll be right back - somebody's knocking at my door


Worth the three minutes to hear what she has to say.



(Thanks for the pin, mods!)


4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag U.S. Code

No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

(a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

(b)The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.

(c)The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.

(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.

(e)The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way.

(f)The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling.

(g)The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

(h)The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.

(i)The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

(j)No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

(k)The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.



sorry for the Wikipedia link but it's the best place to start


A 1962 episode of the original Twilight Zone called "Four O'Clock." It is clearly an anti-Eugene McCarthy story about a man who insists the world is full of evil people who must be dealt with. He even says that the FBI has been compromised. No one believes him. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734570/

The Time Machine (1960) from the H.G. Wells story. A man travels to the distant future where degenerate humanoid creatures live underground and breed actual humans for food. Well, there you go. Good thing it's only a movie. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0054387/?


Believe it or not, there is a reddit site about them - look under "meghanmarkle" and you'll find it - that is incensed about this and furious that:

  1. Harry dissed the First Amendment a few months back, calling it "bonkers"

  2. This fake pap chase was hugely insulting to the people of the USA in general and NYC in particular

  3. Harry & Meg demanded that the photogs hand over all their pics and video, and the people are pushing back and saying, "We stand with the Founding Fathers that we don't have to do what royalty says!"

No kidding, this is all going down on a Reddit site. They are furious with CNN for parroting whatever Harry & Meg told them to say instead of reporting the truth.

Wouldn't it be insane if it's these two who finally start making people realize how fake and manipulated all of the news is these days, and how important the First Amendment really is?


There are lengthy scenes of innocent animal-type creatures being terrified, tortured, vivisected, and subjected to gruesome experiments.

There's a whole town where human-type creatures look like experiments from the Island of Dr. Moreau.

There are many, many actual human children in cages, though the movie does not show them being otherwise maltreated. That is saved for the animal creatures.

There is a scene of someone getting their face literally peeled off, followed by a long, full-screen closeup of exactly what that looks like. frazzled.rip anyone?

It's all right there in this extremely popular film, though judging by the audience around me they will barely notice that and are only there for the comedy, slapstick, arguments and loads of stuff blowing up.

That's fine, but someone went to great expense to put the above-described scenes into this movie.

What did you think?


Rightly or wrongly, human beings need leadership - and not just in the military. Everyday people also need good examples of what to do and how to react in different situations. That's because most people are so afraid of criticism and/or outright shunning that they will never, ever do anything to risk that.

Yes, there are plenty of rules and laws to read for guidance, but most people understand these rules and laws much better when they have a specific example to look up to - a few specific people who demonstrate proper actions for them in real life.

You might call this "soft leadership." It's not the very tough discipline of the military, though nothing wrong with that; it's just that soft leadership can be enormously helpful for ordinary civilians who need guidance.

I hate to use the word "sheep," but that's probably the best analogy. Sheep don't have much of an aptitude for leadership among themselves. All they care about is staying inside the herd. They do much better when they have a shepherd and a smart dog to show them where to go, help them find food and water, and protect them from the wolves.

We can all be shepherds and sheepdogs for those around us who are clearly confused about what to do and terrified to take the smallest action for fear of shunning. Stepping up and providing some soft leadership for the civilians - yes, the sheep - around you might just give them the guidance they need to stop panicking and work together.

A lot of us did this during the fake pandemic. We refused to wear masks, no matter how much we got yelled at in public. We absolutely refused any shots, no matter how they threatened our jobs or refused us service or shut us out of our own families.

We learned that in many cases, if one person dared to take off their mask in public then others would do the same. But somebody had to do it first and risk the ridicule and shunning that could follow.

That is what's missing. Be that somebody. Step up and take the chance. Provide that soft leadership for a few sheep and see what happens.

To get started: SPEAK UP. No more silence. No more fear of being shunned or banned or criticized in public or in private. SPEAK UP. TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON.

What else can you add?


Some of us are still on social media because reasons. If you are, it's very easy to change your profile pic to an upside-down U.S. Flag. Do it.

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