Most pertinent quotes from this article:

Former Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says the White House should push airlines to put a vaccine mandate on airline travelers in place. If the airlines refuse, LaHood said, the White House should do it itself. What’s more, he contends it wouldn’t be a heavy lift operationally.

“I don’t think it would be difficult at all. It’s no different than showing your driver’s license to TSA,” LaHood said in an interview. “I don't see it as a bureaucratic challenge to the airlines. I really don't. You got to show ID in order to get through TSA, then make it a part of getting through TSA — that you can't get through TSA unless you show proper identification, your ticket and a vaccination card.”

“They pushed back heavily, but we moved ahead with it,” LaHood said. “The way I would do it is call all the airline CEOs to a meeting, get them on a Zoom call and say ‘look, we believe this is another way that we can get the country vaccinated and stop the spread of Covid.’ And just listen to them. But make the decision to go ahead with it. You don't surprise them.”

We're losing more liberties minute by minute. Let us pray this does not pass, and stand in solidarity against it if it does. At some point all of our voices will need to be gathered. They mean for us to not be able to escape.

My husband's best friend since childhood has lived with us for the past two years and registered in our county from another CA county when he came here. He voted for Trump in 2020 and then went tonight to vote for recalling Newsome in the "election." While he was waiting in an extremely long line, he went to the voting portal website to check to make sure nothing odd had happened to his voting status. On the portal, it said he was registered in our county but was considered an "inactive" status voter. He pressed the button to become "active, " while he was waiting in line, but when he finally got to the front of the line they tried to tell him he was "inactive" from their list. He had to show them that he had just reactivated himself, and luckily suppposedly he got to vote, but why would he have been made inactive when he participated in the last election? There was no reason for it to be made inactive unless they just didn't want it to be convenient for him, for some reason, to vote in this election. Hmm wonder why 🤔

Need a source to share to help redpill my brother regarding all the mainstream media being corrupt.