I am still very new, but maybe that is what gives me a different perspective. Just because "the plan" did not go the way some interpreted does not mean that the plan is no longer in play. Surely some brilliant minds are on the side of the enemy as well and things have to be modified. Even if we don't understand what is happening as of now it does not change the truths that have been revealed to us. We still have the duty to stand beside truth and to continue to expose what has been revealed. If you all can convert a skeptic such as myself through this last week, than surely you can red pill the many other Americans that need to see through the smokescreens that the DS has established. Stay vigilant and continue to awaken this nation. They gained control through deceit and the way we counter that is continuing to expose the lies and get people on the side of truth. Appreciate you all.


I am 100% a skeptic perhaps some here would call me a shill, normie, or something else. All of this is not to say I have dismissed the ideas brought forth here, but rather I am trying to absorb and come to a conclusion myself. I am a bible believer and have long had a feeling the Hillary and company were up to some crazy things.I never had any "proof" but could never shake that feeling that something wasn't right. I also have long detested Trump as I feel what I see is at odds with my Biblical worldview. The bus recording before the election, Border Camps, etc. With that said I am open to thinking of things in different ways. God has used imperfect people all throughout time many of whom were great sinners that was greatly documented. I am not yet "red-pilled" but am definitely curious and exploring/researching. I have seen the stickies on the home page, but am hoping to find some more material. Specifically I am trying to learn more about the "DS" and where it originated. Is there any videos that go into some background a bit more that I could explore. I would love something that has some proof more than just conjecture or people making assumptions. Any "hard Evidence" if you will. I appreciate anyone taking a couple minutes to show me the ropes. I can not promise I will buy in, but I can also promise I won't lash out and criticize those of you that have. No matter what happens I give the glory to God and hope to see his will done. If this is his path so be it, but if not that does not shake my faith either. Peace to you all.

  • Update - I am all set. Thanks to those of you that reached out with more information. I have more than enough to keep me busy now. This is exactly what I was after appreciate it!